8 | June 25th.

436 10 25

╰┈➤ ❝ [In which Kim Seungmin just wants strawberry milk.] ❞

→ obsession au!


It was a chilly morning in late June. The rain had stopped pouring, leaving its after-effects of everything being soaked in it, the floodgates of the sky were finally closed. The tar-black sky was slowly clearing up, the wind was more forgiven and the individuals hiding beneath the shade finally moved away.

The summer skies were now a fragile, pellucid blue, the clouds were frail and angel white. Mother Earth's topsoils were now a slushy goo and the pavements were now buried underwater, but that didn't stop the city from their everyday life.

A young boy made his way towards the nearest convenience store hastily. It seemed like he was late. He quickly moved inside the shop, running across aisles and aisles to find what he needs.

Soon, he halted. His eyes twinkled and a grin made its way up to his lips when he finally found what he needed. He went towards the shelf and was about to grab the object when someone else snatched it away from him.

''Hey! I was about to get that!'' He said, with a flicker of irritation. The other boy turned around to him and raised his eyebrow, looking at him somewhat intimidatingly, he seemed like he was somewhat around his age. ''And? I came first. So I get that. Simple. ''

He retorted. The boy frowned, he tried to find decent facts to argue about it but nothing would hit him, so he just sighed and nodded, walking away from the other boy sadly.

Meanwhile, the other boy only stared at him walking away with a curious gaze. He felt somewhat bad for grabbing the strawberry milk just like that, when it was the only one left. But he decided to shrug it away.


''Hey! You look like you're in a bad mood!'' A freckled boy exclaimed, having a seat beside his friend. The other boy looked at him and nodded, placing his head on his desk.

''Some dude snatched my strawberry milk away from me just when I was able to have it! Because of him, I didn't drink any milk this morning!'' He said sadly. Another boy sat down beside him on his either side and placed his hand on his back.

''Come on, Seungminnie hyung. You can always drink milk in the afternoon, no biggie. '' He said, assuring the dejected boy. The freckled boy nodded and ruffled the dejected boy's hair. ''Innie is right, Seungmin! Come on, cheer up!'' He said.

The boy, supposedly named Seungmin sighed and straightened his posture, cracking a few of his bones. ''Whatever. I can't sulk like this all day. '' He replied, making his friends agree.

''Yeah, you can always get one from the school cafeteria. '' His friend, named Jeongin suggested, and Seungmin strongly disagreed. ''No way, I ain't standing hours in line just to get two hundred milli-litres strawberry milk! It's better I go home empty stomach!'' He retorted and both of his friends laugh.

''Oh yeah? Maybe get a boyfriend who'll stand in the line for you! Like mine does!'' Jeongin exclaimed, turning over to Felix and gave him a high-five, as a sign of teasing his friend.

Seungmin rolled his eyes. ''Please don't involve me in your couple shit drama. I told you guys I wanna die single. ''

Now it was Felix's turn to roll his eyes. ''Oh come on, Min. This is Uni! You are supposed to date! Smoke! Go clubbing! Hook up! Not lock yourself in your bedroom and drown yourselves in physics books!''

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