2 | existence. (1/2)

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╰┈➤ ❝ [In which Kim Seungmin only craves love.] ❞

→ idol au (kinda) !

→ tw: sad :)

note: based on a true story lmao


Do you ever just feel like erasing your existence?

Do you ever just send someone a text and feel embarrassed about sending it and slowly it turns into bad anxiety and now you're questioning why would you even write something like that in the first place even if it wasn't offensive or anything because the person whom you sent it to isn't replying you and now you feel like crying because deleting the text will only make you look like a fool and rude but now you want to delete your existence because the feeling inside of you is getting too strong...

That's how I felt.

It may sound stupid, but it is what it is.

I sat down on my bed, staring at my phone screen which had been turned on nonstop for the past few minutes.

I sighed, refreshing the page again and again, only to see if I had gotten a reply from him. Nothing. It was the same.

Hey there, I'm Kim Seungmin, mononymously known as Seungmin of Stray Kids. I'm the vocalist of our band and the second-youngest member. I also happened to be dating one of the members,

Hwang Hyunjin.

We started dating around the start of twenty-twenty-three. It was like that cliche movie where two high schoolers confess to each other and start dating. Yeah, you can imagine all of that. But it was risky, after all, we were dating behind our fan's back. Of course.

In this cruel industry, not one couple can stand a chance against the world. And for the cherry on top, we were an LGBT couple. Coming out to the public and being accepted was only a dream as of now.

Currently, Hyunjin was out with Jeongin and Felix, to buy snacks for the members. And I was here in my bedroom, laying dead on my bed, scrolling through some random posts on Instagram.

Hyunjin had sent a picture of him and the two guys on our chat group. It was a silly picture, the kind of one which immediately makes you think why these guys aren't in an asylum yet.

The members replied to it with all sorts of reactions, Hyunjin being kind enough to reply to them back. Since I was the one who saw it the last, I replied to it the last. Saying,

cute :>

But minutes passed by, the smile from my face fading away each second and now the picture wasn't making me laugh anymore.

Hyunjin hadn't replied to me yet.

It sounds so childish, but I felt ignored.

This was the longest Hyunjin has ever left me on delivered, however, the other members had seen it, and neither did they react to it.

The battery on my phone was going down, but I didn't mind and kept refreshing my screen, hoping Hyunjin would see my text and reply to it.

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