I don't believe in elitism. I don't think the audience is this dumb person lower than me. I am the audience

When I was in six grade, this is when I realize my intelligence for the first time, my friend read my palm, and more or less said I was a genius that was the unfounded, but I didn't believe that for a fact, until I realize that I remember half the shit I knew learned from reading in summer 2000.
There was food thanks for grade 6 it wasn't a bad year. I discovered that I was a bowl because of that summer that someone from hell particularly the  Stephanie incident as I called I was able to read more often than not, and I was able to read more and more advanced books.
I think this was a time when I started from just playing astronomy book to Carl Sagan books. When I realize that I was reading Carl Sagan at age 11, that's when I knew that I was not being bullshit by my friend that she was actually telling the truth. I wanted to know more about my IQ from there on, but didn't know how to go about it at the time.
I knew it was very high indeed and very interesting to learn about. That's why I ended up getting the Asperger's diagnosis. Which more or less indicates that I am a genius, and I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but that is an indication of very high
Intellect, I would say in town with Janice what that means information and I don't want to say hi information when I can say hi intellect instead. I was trying to pick up words that made me sound snobby to the other brats in the school I still had a hell of a time trying to get a hold of being around other children yes, I was just getting 12 years old and I didn't get the idea of being with other children at the time.
The one thing that I was getting into thin with more of the different sciences, not trust astronomy, but the other sciences biology chemistry, especially chemistry and physics. I did not get a grasp on physics because it's still there with math. Some thing that was adverse to meet Joe, but chemistry wasn't too hard. But Jennifer was starting to be a pain in my ass. 
She was starting to get car key, and she was starting to take advantage of my friend Karen's particular kindness, and was saying mean things about me. This is the same girl who called me the D*ke word two years ago.
So she was not a very nice person to begin with. How do you L a 10 year old and then when you're 12 years old still spread rumours about this in person. I just didn't get this logic.

The long hard road to hell and back: autobiography |complete and amazonWhere stories live. Discover now