Hot Soup: The Game

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We all surrounded Mikey as we watched and ad for a Lou Jistu video game

Lively music plays and the narrator starts talking.

"Action star Lou Jitsu is back! 'Hot soup: The Game'!" Luo Jitsu opens a can of his famous hot soup and sniffs it. He was also wearing overalls over his normal clothes.

"Ah!" He says happily. But then something quickly runs past him and takes his hot soup! How dare they!

A big construction worker laughs. :You soup is mine!" Then the elevator goes all the way to the top of the construction building.

"I will fight my way up to you, boss level!" Lou Jistu yells, throwing his finger up at him. He then looks in front of him to see a whole buncha of construction workers getting ready to fight him.

"60 levels of chop-socky violence!" The announcer says as Lou gets ready to fight the workers

He punches the first one away then another then grabs them and tosses them with a yell.


Right into the cement truck that started spinning them at a very fast rate.

"Lou Jistu then holds up the game in his hand

We all gaps at the wondrous sight wwe just saw.

"Lou Jitsu was in a video game?!" Donnie gasps.

"We gotta get it! We gotta get it!" Mikey yells urgently. "Accessing worldwide inner-tubes." Mikey clicks something. "Hmm Lou Jitsu nunchuck, Lou Jistu sunglasses-- OH! Here it is! Lou Jistu's Hot Soup: The Game! Montes Auction House. Buy it now!"

Mikey swipes down his finger quickly buying the item!"Click!" he yells. The Sell sign turned into a sold sign. We have done it!

"Oh baby!" Mikey yells happily "We are the poured owners of one very old mint condition copy of Hot Soup: the Game!" Mikey throws his arms up.

"Wait a minute!" Raph says, realizing something. "You bought it at an auction house?! How are we gonna pick it up?"

"I know!"Leo says, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me next to Raph. "We got Y/n to get it!"

"What?" I was surprised at how I just got volunteered. "I can't go!" I yell realizing that I might need to ask someone for my identity and guess what! I dont have one!

"Why not?" Raph asks.

"Well first of all, I'll probably need someone older than 18 to actually get something. Second of all, I think Mikey already knows what to do!" I wink at Mikey.

I knew he was going to take this opportunity to try a do his Solo mission.

"Y/n, is that correct! Am going to do this by myself!" He says pointing at himself.

"By yourself?! Are you out of your ooze twisted mind?!" Raph exclaims.

"I'm not a baby Raph. I got the 'skills' moves!" Mikey runs around. "The ninja realness!" Mikey throws down a smoke bomb and pokes in close. "I'm ready for my first solo mission!"

"Of course you are-- in seven to ten years!" Right Now it is just too dangerous!" Raph says, crossing his arms. "Y/n hasn't even been on their first solo mission!"

"I've been on lots of solo missions, you're just not aware of them" I say smugly.

"What the what?!" Raph says looking at me with a pankied look on his face. I turned my smug face into an innocent one

"I say we let him go Raph. "Leo interrupts Raph's panic. "You went out on your own when you were his age!" Leo points at Raph .

"I agree with leo! It's about time Mikey goes out on his own!" I cross my arms.

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