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Julio and the kids stayed with me at my place for about a year before they moved across from my place. Stays were very kind to me and were happy about me being with Bangchan. They always tell me that he seems happier and healthier now. Antonio was at my place when I puked in the bathroom.

He rushed into the room and held my hair. Once I finished puking, he suggested that we go to the doctor. Nodding, I slowly get up. I brushed my teeth before walking to the living room. We were about to walk out when the front door was being unlocked. Jin walked inside. We greeted each other.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked.

"The doctor. Aunt y/n just puked." Antonio replied.

"I'll drive." Jin tells us.

True to his word, Jin drove us to tje doctor's office. We waited for the doctor. Once it was my turn, I told him what happened. He ran some tests on me. I became nervous. He tells me that he'll have to do an ultrasound. All I do is stare at the screen. He turns towards me and gives me a grin.

"Congratulations Mrs. Y/l/n. You are 2 months pregnant." He tells me.

"Really?" I asked surprised and happily.

He nods at that. I couldn't help but grin. He prints out the pictures of the ultrasound before handing them over to me. I grinned as I walked out. Jin and Antonio got up and rushed over to me. Their eyes widened when I showed them the ultrasound. They attacked me in a hug which I returned.

"How are you going to tell Chan?" Jin asked.

"Well the boys have a concert tomorrow so I'll ask JYP if I could surprise Chris on stage." I replied.

"Lets go and ask." Jin said.

He rushed us towards his car. We drove to JYP entertainment before going to JYP's office. Luckily he was there. I knocked on the door. He looked up and smiled upon seeing us. He told us to come in which we did.

"What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Well I have a surprise." I replied.

I showed him the ultrasounds. His eyes widened when he saw them. He excitedly congratulated me and gave me a hug. I told him about my plan to surprise Bangchan at the concert tomorrow. He agreed to it before we came up with ideas. We agreed that I was going to go on stage. The boys were going to be facing the big screen with their eyes closed so I can show the ultrasounds to the camera. JYP was going to help me on stage.

"Its simple but I think it will still be special." Jin said.

"I think so too." JYP said.

The next day I woke up super excited. Smiling, I get up and filmed for a bit. Bangchan walks out of the bathroom. I grinned at him before pouting my lips. Taking the hint, he grinned and gave me a kiss.

"Will you be at the concert?" He asked.

"Of course I will." I replied, smiling.

"Good, I'll see you there." He tells me.

He gave me a kiss before leaving. I stretched before getting up. I start getting ready before getting everything I need for the concert. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Confused I walked over. I see that its Bangchan's parents. I opened the door and greeted them happily. They gave me a hug which I returned. I lead them inside.

"So anything new?" His mom asked.

"I'm glad you asked. I'm surprising Chris later at the concert with this." I said.

I get up and get the ultrasounds. Once I had them, I hand them to his parents. Their eyes widened when they saw the ultrasounds. Tears started forming in their eyes. Bangchan's mom attacked me in a hug which I returned. She cried into my shoulder. His dad walked over and wrapped his arms around us. We stayed like that for a bit.

"Where are you giving birth?" His mom asked.

"Not sure. It depends on where we are and what the doctors tell me." I replied

We stayed talking for a few hours I made us lunch. After a while, we made our way towards the arena. Hannah was there. She gave me a hug. Since there were Stays around, I whispered in her ear that I'm pregnant. She squealed happily and hugged me tightly. We went to our seats. Soon the concert started. When it was getting closer to tell Bangchan, Dae Chul came to get me.

JYP walked onto the stage first. Once the boys faced the screen with their eyes closed, I quickly rushed towards the camera and held out the ultrasounds. I could heard some gasps from Stays. JYP tells the boys to open their eyes. They were all surprised. Bangchan quickly turn around to find me. When he did, he rushed over to me and attacked me in a hug which I returned. He was crying.

"When did you find out?" He asked.

"Yesterday. Antonio and Jin took me to the doctor." I replied.

"Can't wait to tell my parents." He said.

"They know already. Hannah too." I said.

They showed them on the big screen. Bangchan grinned at them. The rest of the boys attacked us in a group hug. After the concert, Bangchan was really sweet with me.

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