Part 9

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Vi giggled to herself a little as she got up from the couch. Yup, under all that baggage, Powder was still a sweetheart. It wasn't really a surprise to her, but it was just nice to see it on full display. The very least Vi could do now was help her to see that Jinx wasn't who she was, if only just a little. Smiling, she made her way towards the kitchen, grabbing one of the chairs from the breakfast table on the way. "You know where the scissors are, Cupcake?"
Cait was leaning against the wall next to the doorway to the kitchen, arms crossed and not looking pleased. "Perfect! Now, we're going to have blue hair all over the kitchen floor!"
"I'll clean it up, Cait." Her girlfriend didn't flinch, so Vi stretched up and gave her a kiss. "This is really important for her. She needs to be able to look at herself and not see Jinx."
Cait looked at her for a long few seconds, then sighed closing her eyes. "You'd best have an idea of how to dispose of the clippings."
"I'll handle it." Vi smiled and went to go into the kitchen, but Cait stopped her by grabbing her arm and pulling her back. Vi looked at her confused.
"You know, I..." Cait turned her eyes down and let out a long breath. "If you're going to cut her braids off... If we... got her some new clothes and called her Powder..."
Vi felt her face light up as she realized what she was getting at! "No one would... suspect a thing!"
Cait nodded. "We could take her to a proper hospital for her sickness. We'll tell them... she lived with your parents back in Zaun, but they died, so... you're taking care of her now because of her... Um..." She tapped a finger to the side of her head.
"Y-yeah." Vi almost couldn't believe what was happening! Then, she got a thought. "What about explaining about the shimmer?"
"I don't think it would be too terribly hard to believe that a chem barren might have... taken advantage of her mental problems, and used her for some... less than humane experiments. Or perhaps we could say your parents were attempting to find a way to cure her." Vi gave a nod. "I could... even get the two of you your own apartment if you wish."
"That would honestly be amazing, Cupcake." By now, Vi was grinning from ear to ear. "The only thing is, I... told her we could travel and..."
"... And you don't think your wealthy girlfriend can make that happen for you?" Vi wrapped her free arm around Cait's neck and full-on kissed her! Cait looked completely dazed when she finally let her go. "Right then, I... I-I take it, you're on board with that."
"Well, you've just made my life... both our lives a whole lot easier. And... You know, if... she doesn't have to be on the run, it... I mean..."
"What is it?"
Vi shrugged. "Kinda... hard to make someone feel safe when they're running for their life. You know?" Cait just gave a bit of a nod. Vi looked down, still not fully able to believe it, or to stop smiling, she realized. "Well, I, uh... I'd better get in there and let Powder know the plan's changed. Guess I'll give her the haircut, then... just help her get back to sleep." She gave Cait a quick kiss on the cheek, then headed into the kitchen with the chair.
"The scissors are in the cabinet above the sink!" Cait called.
"Got it!"
"Okay! You ready?" said Powder when she saw her come in.
"Yup." Vi set the chair down in front of her. "Alright! Have a seat. Vi's Beauty Parlor is open." They looked at each other for a few seconds, then both laughed.
As she got the scissors, Vi told Powder about the new plan. Powder looked concerned at first, but it faded a little when she told her about Cait seeing that they'd have their own apartment and still be able to travel. When she was done, her sister looked down for a minute as she sat there in the chair, then giggled a little to herself. "Guess I'll... be able to be Powder again sooner than I thought, huh?"
Vi shrugged as she stepped behind her. She wished she could help her sister realize what she already knew, but this would be close enough, she guessed. "Okay. Let's get to it then." She found the right spot on one of her braids and brought up the scissors to start cutting.
"Vi?" came Cait'cause voice before she could close the blades together.  "There's a problem."
Vi sighed.  "I'll be right back, okay?"
"Um...  Okay."  Vi put down the scissors, and went out to see what was wrong.
Cait was standing at the living room window, looking down.  When she brought her head up and saw Vi, she moved to the side a little.  "This is bad."
Vi came up to her, and looked down to see a group of other enforcers below.  "Shit!"  She turned to Cait.  "Tell me they're not here looking for Powder."
Before Cait could answer, ther ed was a loud knock at the door.  "Sheriff?" came a man's voice.
"Just a moment!" Cait called, then lowered her voice.  "I'm sorry.  You have to get her out of here.  Now."
"And...  how exactly am I supposed to do that?  The streets are probably crawling with enforcers by now!"
"I don't know, but..."
"Why don't you chase me?"  Vi turned around to see Powder coming out of the kitchen.  "Just chase me out to the bridge, and they won't think anything's off."
"Except they won't stop at the bridge if they see you going over into Zaun," said Vi.
"Oh, right!"
"Sheriff Kiramman?" the voice came again.
"Yes, I'll be right there!" Cait called back.
"Hey!  What if you kill me?!"  The suggestion from her sister caught Vi completely off guard!  She looked at her shocked, but Powder just rolled her eyes.  "Not for real!  Geez!"
"What are you suggesting?" said Cait.
"Easy!  We get to the bridge, you pretend to shoot me, I fall down the riverbank, they think I'm dead, they stop looking!"
Vi and Cait just looked at each other for a few seconds.  "It does make sense," said Cait.  Vi just folded her arms.  She knew by now that Cait never missed what she was aiming for...  but she still remembered what had happened earlier.  Cait seemed to know what she was thinking.  "I'll just miss her, they won't know as long as she acts it well."  Vi didn't flinch.  Cait took a breath, then cupped her cheek and kissed her.  "I WILL miss her.  I promise."
Vi was still uneasy about the idea, but they didn't have much of a chance.  She looked at Powder, then turned and put on her gauntlets.  "Ready for one last game of chase?"
Powder narrowed her eyes and flashed her a wide, menacing smile as she opened the window.  "You've got it, FAT HANDS!"  She let out a loud, manic laugh, then leapt out the window!
Vi know this was just an act, but she still hated that name!  "Alright!  That's it!" she yelled loud enough for the enforcers on the ground to hear, then raced out after her!

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