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A beautiful day in Möbius was ruined as news broke out about an unknown scientist's experiment that failed and caused havoc across the whole continent and its cities. Loud roars of crowds running to their houses to take cover so they don't become turned, fires being lit by the gas stations around just to try and block a few of the straggling flesh-eating Möbians who were once their friends now dead, and alarms going off to try and flee those who still have no idea what their lives are being turned into around them. A cobalt blue hero watches as the town rips itself apart bit by bit in horror, but tries to keep a strong face for a smaller boy with two tails next to him.

"Sonic... what do we do?" Tails, the nickname of the boy who stands next to the blue hedgehog, questions. An explosion goes off at the gas station that was lit on fire and they both wince. After opening his eyes, Tails looks up to his idol and Sonic continues to look out at the crumbling world ahead of them. The once busy streets are turning into rubble, more than before, and every alleyway has more and more zombies rushing out.

"I wish I had an idea. My first thought is we have to get back to our homes and build some type of base, though. I'm not about to do this alone and have everyone in fear." Sonic sighs and Tails nods.

"We could use my workshop, I don't mind. It has a lockdown mode as well as camouflage. I installed the camouflage the last time Eggman tried to take the chaos emeralds and one of my newest inventions."

"Great thinking. Let's find Knuckes and Amy, then we will send out a message to everyone to bring them to the base."

"Let's go!" Tails grabs Sonic's arms and spins his tails to fly into the sky and give them an aerial view of the city.

About five minutes later, they notice a familiar pink hedgehog slamming the faces of zombies in with her trusty hammer. Tails flies Sonic in and he does a spin attack around the zombies in their way. Tails knocks down a couple with his latest invention, the F90-Drill, and destroys a couple of more around him. They are aware that these were people who were alive in their city, but what are they supposed to do? Be turned into one themselves? Not happening.

"Sonic! Tails!" Amy smiles as she runs to him and Tails. "I'm so glad to see you two are unharmed. Have either of you found anyone else yet?"

"No, you are the first one we've ran into. We wanted to start the search with you and Knuckles, then send everyone to get resources to bring back to our base, which is going to be my workshop." Tails sighs and Amy nods.

"Well, at least we found each other. I think I saw Rouge flying around here not even an hour ago, but I don't think she saw me..."

"Your outfit does look a little different than usual, so maybe she thought you were someone else." Tails mentions and Amy nods. It is a different look for her. A long black top with khaki long pants and black combat boots. She wants to fit in a little more and not be a bright-colored target for the zombies to start chasing her when she's trying to sneak around. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail and on her hands there are black fingerless gloves instead of her white gloves.

"I just hope that Knucklehead hasn't gotten into too much trouble while we were away." Sonic groans and a rock gets thrown at his head. "HEY!" He looks into the direction where it was thrown from and he smirks slyly.

"I heard that." Knuckles, the man of the hour with long red dreads tied out of his face and spikes on his knuckles walks up to the group. His attire looks a little different as well, with more black than usual, like Amy's. Wanting to not stand out as much with his red fur, he put on a black t-shirt and black pants with boots as well.

"Yeah, I got that. Nice fit, dude, trying to get on the cover of Vogue?" Sonic tries his best to get under the echidna's thick skin, but alas, it's like trying to eat a hotdog without the chili.

"They tried to put me on the cover of Vogue... but my legs were too long." Knuckles poses, which sends Amy into a fit of laughter, Tails following shortly after and Sonic rolls his eyes.

"Look, I'm glad we all got this reunion, but we have to get going or we're going to be zombie food, and I've heard hedgehog soup isn't that tasty." Sonic groans, and no one laughs at his quip.

"You're falling short, no one found that one funny." Knuckles chortles.

"I'm stressed. Leave me be." Sonic dusts off his shoes and gets ready to run to Tails's workshop, but stops for a second. He reaches his hand out to Amy and smiles ever-so-slightly. "Those combat boots don't look like the easiest to run in, would you like a lift, m'lady?"

"After a while, they do hurt. Thank you for thinking of me. Now never call me that again. " Amy smiles and takes his hand and he lifts her up and starts running through the abandoned town.

"That makes me want to call you that even more." Sonic chuckles and Amy rolls her eyes.

"You're the bane of my existence."

"And you're heavy."


"HAHAHA! I SWEAR IT WAS A JOKE!! Amy.. it was a joke. AMY NO!"

The four of them find themselves at Tails's workshop in record time. Tails hits a button on his wrist and the door opens, then he shuts it and turns on the building's camouflage mode. This mode makes the area disappear and look like a hill instead of the workshop. If anyone was to try and come in or destroy the hill, there is a barrier around it that is tougher than anything Dr. Eggman has ever built in his life, and he's a 'doctor'.

"Okay, I think I know where Shadow, Rouge, Blaze and Silver are. I'll start there." Sonic mentions and they nod their heads. Bringing Shadow in? It sounds like a recipe for disaster, but he would be a valuable asset and they aren't just going to let their friend die like that.

"I believe Cream and Vanilla are still at their house. They have The Chaotix protecting the area. That's where I was before I went out to fight. I can grab them." Amy suggests and Tails nods.

"I'll start foraging and bring anyone that we don't know the location of." Knuckles punches his fists together.

"On three?" Amy smiles. They all put their hands in the middle.


"... We probably should've decided on what we were going to say before we did that." Amy groans and they laugh. Tails unlocks the workshop and the three of them leave. He stays inside to update all of the technology in the area.

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