1 - safe & sound

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Safe and sound - Taylor Swift

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

Taylor had been looking after her little sister Brooklyn-Lily ever since Bily was three years old. Taylor often called her sister 'Bily' instead of her full name. If Bily got called 'Brooklyn-Lily' she knew she was in trouble. Taylor's parents had past away in a car crash leaving her 22 year old self with a toddler. Taylor being Taylor she took the responsibility of looking after her little sister very seriously. For the first 3 years of having Bily in her custody she disappeared off of the internet causing the world to go feral. What ever would they do without their beloved Taylor? Luckily Taylor came back with a new album and a much happier Internet presence. Though losing both of her parents took a toll on the poor woman, she managed to find her way out of the darkness.

Taylor is now 33 living with her 11 year old sister. Bily had always seen Taylor as more of a mom than a sister but she loved having Taylor look after her. She had the mom and sister aspect all in one.

Taylor tried her best to keep Bily away from her crazy life but sadly paparazzi still sometimes get face photos of Bily even after Taylor's attempts to hide her. It's not that Bily is a secret Taylor just didn't want her sister to be in the public eye specially since Bily didn't want too. Taylor always takes this very very seriously.

If Taylor is posting a picture of Bily on instagram she'd always post a picture without her face in it. It was easy for Bily to blend in, in public due to her having natural blonde curly hair. Bily goes to public school, luckily many people don't know about her relations to Taylor. Of course people have suspected it due to one or two paparazzi photos being leaked but Bily always denied it and luckily for the bad quality images everyone believed her.

Bily goes by the name 'Brooklyn' at school or even 'Brooke' and Bily likes it that way. The world knows her as 'Bily' so Bily liked being called 'Brooke' at school, mainly because it made the allocations of being Taylor's sister easier to deny. She also always makes Taylor straighten her curls for school so she can 'fit in' with the other girls. As much as Taylor doesn't want to she knows how it feels so she does it anyways. Not after a bit of protesting though.

Taylor is currently on her eras tour meaning Bily is also travelling with her which she loves. Bily loves to travel and have time off school while Taylor loves having her sister with her.


Taylor pov

I Look around the venue for my little sister Bily, I end up spotting her sitting down on the edge of my stage. Her natural curls are out which I find absolutely adorable, I wish I had looked after mine.

"Hi monkey" I smile as I sit myself next to the girl. "Hi Tay" she says softly while swinging her legs off of the edge. My eyebrows stitch together at the sight of her sad little face. "What's wrong baby?" I ask the 11 year old. "Nothing" she says unconvincingly. "Talk to me Bily" I say simply. "It's nothing that, don't worry about it" she says making me sigh. "You know you can tell me anything honey" I say while playing with her pretty curls.

"Boys suck Tay." She looks up at me with sad eyes. Boys. Of course. "Jacob?" I question, she's had a crush on this Jacob kid for months. "Mhm" she nods confirming my suspensions. "What'd he do?" "Before we left he said he liked me and that I was the prettiest girl in the world but Kacy told me that he just asked out Blair today at recess. Blair was supposed to be my best friend, she knew how much I liked him. Am I not pretty Tay? It's my hair isn't it?" She explains to me. I wipe away the single tear rolling down her cheek with my thumb. Poor baby. I hate that she feels like this.

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