chapter 27: marius's support

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chapter 27: marius's support


       It's not often Fawn calls me while I'm at work. Whenever he does, it's normally because he has something urgent to tell me or talk to me about. In fact, the last time he did call me while I was at work was the day after the twins' birthday when he wanted to get my opinion of taking Fern to a specialist.

       So when my personal cell phone rings with Fawn calling while I'm working in my office, I answer it immediately. "Hey, what's up?" 

       "Hi," Fawn says. "I know I don't call you often at work but I have something I want to tell you, and I'm too excited to what until you get back home."

       It definitely sounds like a good thing and nothing too concerning judging by both the happy tone in Fawn's voice and because he said that he's too excited.

       Before I can even ask him what it is, Fawn continues and ask, "Is now a good time? You could be a bit busy..."

       "No, no, I'm free to talk," I say. "Besides, like you said, you're too excited to wait until I get home to tell me whatever your news is. I wanna hear it."

       If Fawn and I were talking face to face, I could imagine him smiling right now because he got even more excited as he says, "Okay, so someone who organizes the music festival in Port Orthos is on the organization board for the Pride event happening in the city next month, and she asked if I would like to perform a song or two there."

       If there's one thing about Fawn, it's that he loves to perform. I have asked if he wanted to pursue music as a career, but he doesn't want to. He says he's just satisfied with performing whenever he can, so I know why he's so excited to tell me this.

       "Fawn, that's amazing," I say. "I'm so happy for you."

       "Thank you. And... I was wondering if you and I could go to the event together?"

       Fawn and I haven't gone to the Pride event in the city. We always just go to the one in Port Orthos instead since it's not as crowded. And even though it's obvious that I would go with Fawn to the city's Pride event, especially to support him, I know the main reason why he's asking.

       Since my name has been a hot topic in the media ever since the defamation trial against Amber, it's highly probably that I'll be photographed with Fawn since everyone is wondering who my fiance is. Even though I did try my best to keep my family life private, Fawn doesn't seem too stressed about it anymore.

       "Yeah, of course," I say.

       "You do realize that we might get photographed since you're a young and very hot CEO, right?"

       "I don't think the media has ever called me very hot."

       "Oh, I know. Those are my words."

       "Well, thanks? I guess? But yes, I do know we'll probably be photographed but since you are my fiance and you're the one okay with it, then there's no reason for me to decline. But I do think it will be best not to bring Harlow and Fern, mainly because it's a lot more crowded than Port Orthos so it will probably get too much for Fern fast."

       "Yeah, I agree. I'll see if Mary-Anne can babysit that day."

        After we hang up, I get back to work and soon enough, Fawn texts me to tell me that Mary-Anne is able to babysit while we go to the Pride event in the city. I have to be honest, I am very excited to go to the event solely because I get to see Fawn perform a song or two.

       I absolutely love watching him perform.

       When my work day ends, I pack up my stuff and leave the office. Unfortunately, traffic is heavy right now so it takes me a bit longer than it normally does to get home. By the time I do get home, all I want to do is relax.

       Fawn had just finished making dinner when I walk in the front door, so I do eat with my family in the kitchen before I flop down on the couch in the living room. Fawn flops down beside me. "Tiring day at work?" he asks.

       "Not really," I say. "I just love relaxing."

      "Me too," Fawn says, snuggling close to me. "Have you thought about who's going to be your best man for the wedding yet? It's three months away and you still need to ask whoever it is."

       "Ah, right," I say. "Sorry, it escaped my mind for a bit. But... I think I made my choice. Huxley is one of my best friends, but I'm going to go with Robbie, especially because of how supportive he has been with the whole situation with my dad." I pick up my cell phone and send a text to Robbie. "I'll see if he can meet up with me sometime tomorrow so I can ask him."

       Even though I did want to relax a bit, Fawn and I decide to take the opportunity to plan our wedding more. I mean, I would much rather plan the wedding than relax since even thinking about marrying Fawn in a few months.

       We're also starting to plan out our honeymoon, but if anything, it will be more of a family vacation since we're going to bring Harlow and Fern with us. Even though Mary-Anne is an amazing babysitter and probably can babysit them for a few days while Fawn and I are on vacation, we don't think Fern will be able to handle that sudden change of the two of us not being around. We don't even think Harlow will be able to handle it.

       But we don't mind having a technical family vacation instead of a honeymoon. Even though marriage isn't always necessary for everyone, my and Fawn's marriage will be complete our family so in a way, it's better for us to have a family vacation than a honeymoon.

       We're still deciding where we want to go, but we're not in a rush. We can go whenever and we don't have to go immediately after our wedding so as for now, we're focusing more on the wedding. Soon enough, it's going to be here and soon enough, Fawn will be my husband. I can't wait.


I CAN'T WAIT TOO. i'm so excited for their wedding <3 (but will there be drama???? idk we'll see soon enough)

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