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Mingyu waited for Michel's footsteps to disappear down the hall before further advancing onto the stubborn woman. She was so adorable looking like she was on the brink of losing her sanity with his continuous teasing.

"My love, it's okay to admit you were touching me all night long—"

"I didn't!"

"I worked very hard for this body. I'm glad my hard work is paying off—"

"Shut up!"

"You can touch me all you want because I really enjoyed your fingers running across it-"

"Shut up! Shut up!" She screamed at him, unable to handle his teasing anymore. Her face burned crimson with embarrassment. She wanted to dig herself a hole to crawl into and just rot in there! It would be better than dealing with this incredibly insufferable man!

Mingyu snickered at how his confident little kitten had grown flustered once again. Whatever frustration or indignation he had felt before completely melted away the more he looked at her distraught face.

It was one of the rare moments he was able to rile her up and see a different side to her. "Darling, you don't have to be embarrassed by the truth. We all have guilty pleasures and if yours is feeling up my body in your sleep then I will always be of service—"

"Kim Mingyu!" She shouted, hoping he'd stop talking. Her ears would probably start bleeding if he continued!

He grinned upon seeing her raise the white flag. Her eyes were still wide with panic and her lips were mouthing words as if she wanted to explain her mistake.

"What is it, darling?" He asked as one hand moved from her cheek to the back of her neck. He started massaging it to soothe any soreness she felt from having to constantly crane her neck just to look at him.

"I didn't do it—"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Even if it's my body." He truly enjoyed seeing her agitated expression. The more she argued with him, the guiltier she looked. She did run her fingers over his chest, but that was it. Much to his disappointment, she only kept her fingers on his solid chest and nowhere else. He had hoped her hands would have roamed somewhere else to help him extinguish the fire she ignited...

"I really didn't!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, darling." He grinned, bending his legs so that her neck could catch a break. He was scared she would hurt herself by constantly straining it. He squatted a bit so that she was now looking down at him, and he was looking up to her.

'This little kitten is trying to seduce me again.' He couldn't help but think as he looked up and saw her soft pout. Her rosy lips were jutted out, her eyebrows knitted together, coupled with her vulnerable eyes, was enough to send his body in turmoil once again.

He saw the wetness of her eyes and bit down on his bottom lips to prevent himself from smiling. Aww, did he tease her too much?

He reached out with his long arms to run a thumb over her lips, the softness of it nearly driving him insane. He wanted to do nothing more than claim her lips with his once again, but he was scared kissing her would lead to something else and she wasn't fully healed yet. If she continued to look at him like that, he might really rip her clothes off...

"Don't pout like that." He hoarsely whispered to her, his voice thick with desire.

"Why not?" She decided it was her turn to tease him now. He had flustered her beyond words, so it was time for payback.

She shivered when his gaze darkened. She could see his self-control was slipping. The beast within him wanted to get out, the very one that wanted to roughly push her onto the bed and take her right then and there. His eyes were dark as night as lust swirled within them.

His Daring Wife| GYULISAWhere stories live. Discover now