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Zheng Corporation

The spacious office decorated primarily by white furniture and steel material was quiet except for the occasional ticking of the clock. Not a single sound could be heard within the desolate room. The atmosphere was suffocating and the tension was high.

The secretary standing in front of the desk with her head bowed did not dare to look up. Her head hung in shame for something she couldn't have prevented. Nervously swallowing, she could only hope her boss would spare her in his thirst for blood.

"What do you mean our proposal was rejected?" Taehyung seethed, his fingers pressing harshly onto the metal pen.

"W-we have just received word from Manoban Corporation and—" Tzuyu let out a startled gasp when an object was hurled towards her. She narrowly dodged, but the dart was able to scratch her cheeks, immediately causing blood to drip.

"You've already told me that. I asked why the proposal was rejected, not for you to repeat yourself like a recorder!" Taehyung roared, slamming his hand onto his desk.

Tzuyu flinched in fear, her breathing came out haggard and anxious. She was terrified of Taehyung and what he could do. When angered, he was like an irrational beast out for blood. It was impossible to quell his anger unless Sana was present. This was precisely why Tzuyu practically begged her to "make a visit" before letting Taehyung know the collaboration he wanted was not going to push through.

"The proposal was sent back with notes on why it did not pass the Manoban Corporation's preliminary assessment. A lot of our ideas were crossed out and—"

"Fire the entire project planning board."

"Yes, sir." Tzuyu hastily typed the note onto her tablet.

"I want you to seek out the primary consultant who was in charge of looking over all the proposals to Manoban Corporation for the next fiscal year. Find out their name, their position in the company, address, and contact them." Taehyung felt his blood boil. Courtesy of that damned woman's connection to Manoban Corporation, he was able to learn that Michel had an independent team of consultants that only report to him that work on crucial business collaborations. The identities of these consultants have always stayed hidden under Michel's precautionary measures in making sure that the decisions made are free from any influence of external forces.

"Yes, sir." Tzuyu's fingers were slightly shaking because of how anxious she felt. Taehyung was a ticking time bomb right now and one wrong word could set him off.

Tzuyu had been here for five years now. She knew how precarious the situation is, and how it has turned the harsh Taehyung even more unbearable to work with. Ever since Zheng Corporation lost the support of the Michel, their stocks had been slowly dwindling.

Tzuyu was one of the core workers who knew about Lisa's existence in Zheng Corporation. Before she was promoted to become CEO Zheng's private secretary, she had already been a part of the CEO's team of secretaries.

Not many people knew that ever since Lisa returned after graduating from Harvard, she had immediately taken on running the company as Taehyung's proxy. Tzuyu had witnessed first hand how Lisa spent her one year holed up in the office with them, barely eating and sleeping, resulting in the drastic skyrocketing of Zheng Corporation's net worth.

Lisa ran a tight ship. Every single contract and proposal went through her, and she had led the management team into closing successful deals without even having to take credit for anything. With her gone, the team was chaotic and could barely function.

The departments weren't properly run, despite the fact that Taehyung was constantly hiring new managers and executives. Most of the ones who were competent and had been inadvertently mentored by Lisa had resigned. A few partnership companies had also left with Manoban Corporation since it was thanks to Lisa's influence, that the Zheng Corps. were able to borrow resources.

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