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"Are you sure? It's solid and really hard—"

"Please stop talking." He replied, his voice raspy and filled with heavy desire for her.

When her eyes, wide and so naively clear, looked up at him with a curious expression on her face, he inwardly cursed all the foul words known to mankind. She was completely ignorant to the effects she had on men and that aggravated him even more.

"Why?" She innocently asked, tilting her head, her hair following the small action. Her hair was loose and cascaded down her back, perfect for men to run their fingers through. Such a vision evoked his possessiveness as he roughly reached out to grab the back of her neck, but then paused and his hand became gentle when it touched her precious skin.

He bent down, tugging her face closer until his lips were practically hovering over her ears. "Because I might do something we'll both regret."

"Like?" She placed a hand on his chest, drawing tiny circles with her slender fingers. A low grunt came from his mouth as he seized her fingers, reaching the brink of his control.

"Like taking you against this door, muffling your cries with my mouth." His daring words caused her eyes to widen in shock as she instantly leaned back, but had nowhere to go because of the door.


"You're the bigger pervert for asking." He scoffed, shifting the camp in his briefs far away from her core. The more her body was pressed against his, the more it throbbed.

"It was a genuine question with good intent!" Lisa cried out, feeling dirty to have even asked. When she saw the mischievous glint in his eyes, she felt even more ashamed of herself. She was the one setting the boundary line, yet it was always her who crossed it first, tugging him to do the same!

"Are you sure?" He taunted her, leaning down as if he was going to kiss her again. She trembled, her eyes slightly flickering, her body tensed while she awaited his pleasurable lips. It landed on anywhere but her begging lips.

He skimmed her jaw teasingly, in an agonizingly slow pace, with the desire to torment her control just as she had tested his. He kissed everywhere but the spot she desperately wanted him to. His hand traveled from her collarbone to her neck, slightly curling before its feather-soft touch trailed to her chin, teasing her sensitive area.

Lisa felt her body clench on reflex, going stiff, as her lower region pooled with warmth. She was anticipating his kiss so much, she was slowly going insane. He was barely touching her, yet she still felt assaulted by her overwhelming senses of desire for him. "J-just kiss me already..." Her voice trailed off when she saw the haughty glimmer in his dark eyes. He was enjoying this torturous treatment!

He scooped in, causing her heart to skip a beat thinking it was a proper kiss, but he pressed his lips to the corner of hers, narrowly dodging it. She let out a frustrated cry, the sound further depleting his self-control. In a throaty voice, he asked, "What happened to your good intentions?"

"Out the window!" She hissed, snatching his tie and yanking his face to her level before she greedily kissed him, the same way he had always done to her. Mingyu was caught off-guard by this but rapidly responded to her passion by kissing her back, their warm lips melting together perfectly. He allowed her to take the reigns, even if it was causing him immense agony. His member was so stiff now, it was hurting him.

Irrationally, he picked her up while maintaining their locked lips. Her legs wrapped around his waist, allowing him to carry her. She tried her best to kiss him properly, feeling self-doubt, but when he let out a pleasured grunt, she continued whatever she was doing.

She licked and bit, their lips performing a dance as old as time. When she felt the soft mattress beneath her back, she realized Mingyu was standing between her legs, his hand dangerously close to her female region, she knew it was time to stop, but the sound couldn't come out.

His hand dove under the see-through material, inching closer and closer to the actual gown. The feeling of her plump and silky flesh against his rough fingers only amplified his desires for her.

She stiffened, her throat becoming dry all of a sudden. Her lips stopped moving, her entire body petrified. She didn't want to go further from here, but felt too ridden with guilt to voice it.

Mingyu sensed something was wrong and instantly, he pulled his hand away. He got off of her and saw the grimace on her face. Remorse flashed within those lovely amber eyes of hers, prickling pain erupting on his chest.

"Don't feel guilty. Don't blame yourself." He instructed, climbing off the bed, the action only increased her fear.

She thought he was leaving her because she was too scared to go any further. Her panicked eyes watched as he stood to his full height and turned his back to her. She felt a burst of pain in her heart.

Mingyu didn't want her to see the tent on his pants, thus turned around to adjust his tie. But he didn't realize this tiny action was doing cruel things to her heart. When he heard the sound of shuffling feet pounding against the floor, he was about to turn around in confusion, but something soft crashed against his back, followed by creamy pale arms tightly wrapping around his waist.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll try to be better next time..." Lisa thought he was angry at her. She thought he was going to leave her because she was so weak for not being able to sleep with him.

Taehyung was like this in the past when he tried to cave her into sleeping with him when they were simply in high school. She was not ready then, for she was too scared of the consequences to allow her heart to take over. He saw her hesitation as an insult to his ego. In his fury, he had tossed her to the floor and stormed off, never speaking to her for weeks.

She didn't want the same thing to happen with Mingyu. Even the thought of it severely pained her, as hundreds of needles stabbed into her doubtful and weak heart. "S-so...please don't be mad at me..."

Mingyu felt his heart drop at her words, instantly turning around to engulf her into a body-crushing hug. "Silly." He muttered, tightening his arms around her, if that was even possible.

"I know I am—"

"Listen to me very clearly Lisa," He used one hand to cup her cheek, while the other continued to crush her body into his. "You never have to apologize for something you don't want to do." He stared intently into her teary eyes, the lovely hue of brown glistening like thousands of stars.

"Never, ever think you are inclined to give me your body." He lifted her chin, forcing her to look deeply into him.

"Heed my words very clearly." His voice became softer, "I will always be patient when it comes to these things, my love. If you do not want to do it, I won't be mad at you." When he saw her bottom lips quivered, he ran his thumb over it.

"As long as you tell me or give me signs that you want me to stop, I will." Staring into those pained eyes of hers, whose color looked as if it captured all the lights in the world, was like staring into heaven itself. "This, my dear, I will swear to you."

"Promise?" She hoarsely said, a lump at the back of her throat.

His words were one of the nicest things she had ever heard in all twenty-three years of her life. It was soothing her fears, but at the same time, made her overwhelmed with emotions. How could he be this loving? How could he be so utterly perfect to the point where it left her speechless? What exactly did I do to deserve a man like this?

"I promise." He promised her, individually kissing her eyes to keep the tears away, before peppering her entire face with small kisses, until her sullen mood was uplifted and she finally returned to her usual self.

In a daze, she suddenly said, "Don't ever leave me, Mingyu..."

He felt as if his heart was being squeezed to pieces by her words. More enchanting than the songs of sirens, more lovely than heaven itself, these were the words that sent his heart beating like crazy. He did not think he could ever fall in love, but hearing those words from her sweet lips, he knew, from the bottom of his heart, this woman was the only one he would ever love this hard in all of his lifetimes.

"My dear," He breathed in. "I don't think I can ever leave you, even if I tried."

His Daring Wife| GYULISAWhere stories live. Discover now