Chapter 6: An Interesting Lunch

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As the lunch bell hits, class D erupts with noise. Ayanokoji observed that his classmates fell to three different camps

The first group was for a lack of a better term forgetful. People like the three idiots, Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudo were shouting with excitement. Seemingly forgetting the morning conversation in favour of getting lunch and discussing their hobbies. These people often just go with the flow or accept whoever was the leader.

The second group were gossipers. People like Kei, Satō, and even his friend group fell into this group. They were speculating and gossiping about what Kiyotaka and Arisu's relationship was like.

The third were much more analytical compared to gossipers. Rather than speculating just for the sake of speculating. They theorised, they hunt for evidence, and even consider outside factors such as the different class politics and how it would impact the overall standings. People like Horikita and Chiaki would likely fall under this. He decided to call these groups of people, "cautious".

Kiyotaka further analysed while getting up. Roughly 75% of class D falls under forgetful, 15% falls under gossipers, and 10% are cautious. Due to his influence over Karuizawa, he could easily sway the narrative to convince 85% of the class. The issue would arise if Kushida or Horikita decided to intervene. He needed a solution for these two.

"I'll eliminate Horikita as a threat that could cause any issue by simply telling her that I wouldn't be able to help the class if the spotlight is on me. By using Horikita's dependence on me to get to class A and Kei's influence with the girls to my advantage, I could easily overwhelm Kushida's ability to influence the class." Kiyotaka thought.

Kiyotaka proceeds to leave Horikita and Kei instructions, "If you notice Kushida/ our classmates start having doubts or suspicion about me. I would like your help to clear them as I would not be able to perform my duties/ promise with all that attention."

As Kiyotaka approaches the classroom door, the sound of three gentle knocks on the classroom door. This causes the remaining students to keep quiet and stare at Kiyotaka as he leaves the classroom to meet Arisu.

"Oh my~ Did you miss me Kiyotaka~? It's only been half a day and you look so tired already~" Arisu asked in her smug smile. She leans slightly forward while tilting her head slightly almost as if she was trying to tease Kiyotaka.

"Funny enough, yes I did." Kiyotaka said in a monotonous tone as he began walking to the cafeteria.

Arisu hearing this immediately blushed and walked next to Kiyotaka. She curiously asked, "I didn't expect that from you Kiyotaka. Do you mind if I ask why you missed me?"

"It was simply a tease like how you tend to tease me." Kiyotaka responded causing Arisu to sigh and giggle a little.

"You got me well Kiyotaka~" Arisu said in defeat before continuing, "In all seriousness, I am concerned about you. You attracted a lot more attention and suspicion from your classmates. I would not want you to get expelled and lose your freedom."

Kiyotaka looks at Arisu, feeling a sense of confusion yet he could feel a small warmth deep in his cold empty heart or at least that's what he tells himself. "Thank you for your concern but I am fine. I handled it already."

"Reliable as always Kiyotaka. Fine~ I shall not interrogate you any longer. After all~ our time is limited~ let's enjoy our lunch together to the fullest~" Arisu smiles as Kiyotaka nods.

They both reached the cafeteria, ordered their meal, and sat together at a secluded corner.

"I was hoping we could squeeze in a chess game or two... Unfortunately it does not seem we have the time. Sorry Kiyotaka." Arisu looks apologetic and stares at her walking cane causing Kiyotaka to give her head a gentle pat.

"If you're thinking your disability caused this issue. Stop it. It's not like we are given enough time to enjoy a game of chess either way. So why don't we just talk and get to know each other better?" Kiyotaka responded.

The way Kiyotaka responded caused Arisu to smile genuinely and nod. Her face had a slight blush as she didn't expect Kiyotaka to respond in such a considerate and compassionate manner.

"Thank you my friend. You're right. We can make up for the lost opportunity after school after all. What do you say?" Arisu smugly smiles as she eagerly awaits Kiyotaka's response.

"I would but I have to explain to Kei about our relationship after school today. It might take a while." Kiyotaka sighs as he imagines the wave of questions Kei would have.

Author Note:
Hey guys, it's been a while. I decided not to leave the chapter on a cliffhanger this time. Instead deciding to stop at a moment before the discussion of what would happen after school as I would like to dedicate an entire chapter to it. Hope you guys don't mind!

Finally, I would like to apologize for the late update. I've been really busy and stressed out lately. I am back though and hope to continue the story stronger than ever.

Anyway please share, vote, and leave a comment on what you would like to be improved. This is gonna be a long ride~ but hopefully an enjoyable one~

P.S. What do you guys feel if I write side stories or one shots? Would you like to see me solely focus on the story?

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