Short Story 1: Perspectives

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Kiyotaka had just finished his conversation with Arisu in the park.

At first Kiyotaka simply wanted to head to class however he noticed the stares he was getting from the upperclassmen and same year students. He sighs knowing that if he heads to class immediately, he will immediately be bombarded with questions.

He decided to head to the library for a detour and arrive to class when the bell hits to prevent a similar interrogation he had the previous day.

While on the way to the library, he decided to begin theorizing the true motive behind Arisu wanting to have this conversation with Karuizawa.

"Arisu likely wants to weaponize Karuizawa in one way or another by manipulating her emotionally.

What's worse is that Karuizawa is likely going to trust her as she is finally freed from her past and has the ability to be her "true" self.

I'll have to warm Karuizawa later, of course it's to feign that I still have interest in supporting class D." Kiyotaka monologues as he reached the library.

Entering the library, he could see Arisu and Karuizawa at the corner of his eyes. He noticed how desperate Karuizawa looked.

"Why would she be so interested in my relationship with Arisu?" He pondered. "Is Karuizawa really attracted to Arisu after all? Still Karuizawa being this desperate is odd..."

Kiyotaka simply observed, as Karuizawa stood up for a moment and sat back down. He knew that Karuizawa had immediately fell for the trap Arisu laid.

"Her desperate nature, allowed Arisu to find out what motivates Karuizawa and to play with her like a puppet through words alone. I guess I am done here." As Kiyotaka was about to leave the library, he noticed a short silver hair girl trying to reach for a book in the mystery section.

Kiyotaka reached out and handed it to the girl. Upon further inspection, he noticed the books title.

"The Da Vinci Code from Dan Brown. Are you perhaps into mystery?" Kiyotaka remarks while handing the book over to the short silver hair girl.

Upon hearing Kiyotaka's remark, the short silver hair girl's purple eyes light up and nods. She hugs the book and asks with a bright smile, "Yes, are you perhaps into literature?" She asked enthusiastically.

"I would say so, I tend to read during my free time." Kiyotaka responded.

"My name is, Hiyori Shiina, from class C, do you mind if we hang out from time to time? I don't really have friends that are into literature..." Shiina earnestly smiles. In response, Kiyotaka simply nodded.

The two of them spent the rest of the time discussing different book titles they read and recommended various titles to each other. They agreed to hang out again and depart to their respective classes when the bell rang.

Extra short story: Operation Prank

Ryuen had just woken up from the break of dawn. He noticed small sun rays beam through the small gap in his curtain.

Feeling groggy from waking up on the wrong side of the bed, he tried to go back to sleep only to receive a message.

"Huh what does that bastard, Ayanokoji, wants?" Ryuen shouted angrily as he noticed the sender's name was X.

Ryuen decided to watch the clip that was sent to him, he noticed the title... A moment of silence.

"What the...?"

Link to short:

"Oh for fuck sake, when I get my hands on him I am going to! Wait a minute...." Ryuen shouted for a moment and paid closer attention to the number visible below to the name.

"This isn't like the monster I know. The monster I know would never leave a trace like this." Ryuen narrowed his eyes.

Upon further inspection, he realized the number belonged to Ishizaki?! "When I get my hands on you Ishizaki, you are going to regret it." Ryuen filled with rage and anger decided to get ready for the day and left the room "peacefully".

This was the last day, Ishizaki head was seen above ground as he was ruthlessly buried head first into the sand pit near the park on a daily basis for the rest of the year.

Author Note:
Here is the introduction to Hiyori from class C! To clear the air, they will only be friends!

I also hope you enjoyed the joke chapter at the bottom.

Apologies if the characters are really non-canon like this chapter, I have a limited exposure to other characters like Hiyori. I still tried my best lol.

Hope you guys watch the short, you would understand why Ryuen was mad at Ishizaki. If only he didn't leave his phone number attached. :(

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