chapter 6

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As they were driving back, everyone was thinking of the same thing.
"So.. Is anyone going to say it?" Eda. Asks, everyone was visibly nervous. "Okay fine..what do we do about that creep?" Eda asks. "We.. Might have to drop the case" Lilith says. Nobodys really happy about this, but nobody protests. "What!? Drop the case, are your crazy or stupid!?" Eda asks her sister. "Eda come on don't be like that" Darius says. "Shut it, gay boy" eda shit back. "Wow, oh okay were bringing sexuality into this? How do you play for both teams and still loose?" Darius asks. "I'm not loosing a damn thing!" Eda says back,  Raine then puts an arm around her. "Hey, come on princess-" eda then points a knife at Raine, slightly blushing but mostly annoying. "Nope, none of that rainestorm"   she says as she leans on them. "Noted" they say as Lilith turns back to them. "Edalyn, you can't just threaten people all the time" she says giving a big sister look. "You want me to just kill em? Because il do it" eda says clearly Messing around. "Would you kill me pretty lady?~" Raine asks making eda go red. "Il deal with you later" she says rolling her eyes. "Oh so eda is top, gotcha" Darius says. "Do you not love your life?" Lilith asks "oh come on, she wouldn't actually kill any of us, and now she'll be to busy with Raine screwing her" bothe da and Raine go red from such a statement. "I mean that's not the worst idea" Raine teases, making eda start giggling. "Oh my God, you suck" she says pushing them away with her hand. "Hey watch the flirting, nobody wants to hear all that" Lilith teases. "Oh shut up, you get no bitches" eda says resorting to petty insults. "You are one of the bitches.. Could never be me"  Darius starts laughing at Liliths joke, and Raine starts snickering. "I really hate you sometimes" eda says folding her arm. "No you don't, just accept your fate" Lilith says. "I hate you all.. " eda mumbles then is meet with a kiss on the side of her head by Raine. "Even me calamity?" They ask clearly teasing, making eda go red. "Yes.. " 

Later on they get back to the base where they work, and eda is in her room, resting, so Raine is taking the chance to do that special thing Darius knew about. "Whispers, your looking extra ugly today" Darius says, making Raine laugh. "Okay woww.. Jeez, what do you want?" Raine asked "just wondering when your finally gonna ask eda out, or are you two gonna stay friends with benefits?" Darius asked clearly Messing with Raine. "Demonne, your on thin ice" raine said looking at  a picture on their phone. "But yes, I am going to ask her out, later today in fact" they say blushing. "Ooo you got it bad" Darius teases. "Darius I swear.." Raine mumbles 

With eda and Lilith
"Maybe.. I don't know!" Eda says to her sister. "Oh come on! You two made out for an hour!" Mentions of it made eda blush "piss off" she said turning her head away. "Okay.. Okay.. But I'm sure they will ask you out" Lilith said reassuring her sister. "Thanks lily" eda said then Lilith started smirking. "So you WANT them to ask you out" eda smiles at the thought. "M-maybe it's possible.. That I could.. " she said but her face saying a completely different message. "Oo your crushing hard~" Lilith teases, making eda giggle. "Shut up! I.. I wouldnt care if they walked through this door this very second!" Eda said, then Raine walks I. "Hey calamity, whats up?" They ask, "r-rainestorm!! Hey.. I.. Hey!" She says panicking. "That sounds like you care" Lilith mumbled. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a walk with me?" They asked winking at her, eda ran her hand through her hair. "Yeah! I.. I mean.. Sure.. That.. Sounds.. Fine" eda says struggling to act composed. And Raine catches on, and takes her hand, and pulls her closer to them. "Just fine? You think I'm stupid?" They asked smirking at her. "I.. I didn't say that.. " eda says trying to avoid their gaze. Then was met with a kiss on the side of her head. "It's okay calamity, Lilith I'm taking your sister" Raine says as a joke. "Have her back by 11 or il haunt your dreams" Lilith says with a smile. Which scares Raine. "Yeah.. Okay" they quickly take eda and the building taking her somewhere special. "So.. Do you have a plan, or did you just want to be with me?" Eda asks with a smirk, making Raine laugh. "Both, eda.. Do you remember our alibi on our first mission together?" They ask leading her to a beach. "Yeah, we had to pretend to be married" she says in a light chuckle. "And when that creep asked how we met, what did you say?" They asked, and started intensely blushing. "I.. I said we met on a beach and you proposed to me on the same.. Beach" she said starting to try to peice together what was happening.  "And.. Where are we now?" They ask with a smirk. "A.. A beach.. Raine, what are you doing?.." She asks as Raine took her by the waist, and edas hands rested on their chest holding on the their shoulders. "Eda.. I love you, and.. I want you to be my girlfriend, if your not still mad at me" they say in a light chuckle.

“I- I- uh- I-…Y-You- We- I- uh…” Eda says struggle to get a single word out. Too fluster to do anything. Raine giggles at her flustered behavior. “Take your time…love.” Raine says, kissing her on the cheek. Eda takes a second to compose herself, and this time, instead of blabbering nonsense…she can’t do anything at all. Can’t even open her mouth.

GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! Say something you fucking idiot! It’s one damn word! Yes! Just say something! Do something! Anything!” Instead of responding, Eda lunges forward and kisses Raine. At turns into a passionate kiss, Raine putting their one hand on her hip and the other on her lower back. Ed: arms wrapped around Raine’s neck. The kiss lasted for about another minute, before Eda breaks the kiss.

Raine smirks at her and says, “Shoouuld I take that as a yes?” Eda turns even more red but still responds. “What part of that didn’t scream “I love you”?” Raine chuckles and teasingly says, “I never asked if you loved me.” Raine says playfully. Eda lightly shoves them off of her. “Loser.” Eda says avoiding their gaze. “Yeah, sure. You just got it down bad for me. Don’t you~?” Raine says smugly.

“You asked me to be your girlfriend!” Eda says, clearly faking to be offended. “You said yes.” Raine says, playing along with her antics. Eda scoffs and says, “How dare you!”She says turning around and folding her arms. Raine walks up and wraps their arms around her waist from behind. “So you’ll be my girlfriend?” They ask. Eda giggles and says, “ Of course, you idiot.” She says turning around and kissing them.

Suddenly they hear…clapping? They both pull away and turn around to see…Lilith and Darius had been watching them the whole time. “FINALLY! God! Took you two long enough!” He says dramatically. “Oh fuck off. Eda says starting to walk back to the base, completely flustered. “Does this mean there’s gonna be more flirting?” Darius asks himself walking away. Raine so about to follow them when Lilith appears behind them, puts a hand on their shoulder, and says, “Hurt her and you’ll never see the light of day again.”

Lilith walks away and leaves Raine, scared out of their mind, standing on the beach. They snap out of their trance and run after the others.

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