Chapter 8

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN  YOU FORGOT A PART!?"  Darius screamed. Alador still had almost no emotion on his face other than slight nervousness from Darius yelling. "Damn! I get get a hold of eda or raine!, I swear if they are fucking!!" Such a comment had alador confused. "Lilith! Can you get a hold of eda and raine?! Her grappling hook can't be used!" Darius asked. " are you kidding!? Ugh!! Gimme a second " Lilith said through the other line.

With Lilith:

she used her ear piece to connect to eda and raine, but the second she did she heard,
"Mm~ rainestorm that good"
"Then you can have more"
"Yes please"

Lilith was shocked and disgusted.
"I can put it in my mouth myself"
"No I got it, you are mine after all"
"My rainestorm, a-ah.. S-somethings wrong.. "
Lilith then stepped in. "yeah! I told you two no fucking!!" 

"Not what's happening! Calamity you okay?"
Lilith sighed. "Raine I swear.. You two need to cool it"  Lilith said.

With eda and raine:
Eda was leaning over the counter, then started giggling. "Eda, sweetie.. You okay?" They asked with a crooked smile. "Rainestorm~ can I have kisses?" She asked, she was dragging out her words, then wrapped her arms around rainestorm neck. And they complied to her request and gave her a kiss. "Okay can you two.. Like.. Not?" Lilith asked through the other line. "S-shut up! Your.. Your gay" eda said sounding partly drunk. "E-edalyn.. Are you- raine what you been doing to her!?" Lilith asked through the other line.   "Nothing! You okay calamity?" They asked. Eda was steady giggling "Mhm!~ rainestorm, your adorable!" She said clinging to them, making Raine blush. "What have you two been doing!?" Lilith asked, "looking for files!" Raine said. "My baby fed me~" eda cooed. "Oh my god.. You two are hopeless.. Okay we need to get her out of there, did you at least find anything?" Raine stayed silent. "Right.. Okay we need to get her out of there" Lilith said, and Raine took her hand and lead her out but she wouldn't budge. "Eda! Come on we gotta leave" they said to her. "Rainey~ please stay" she said asked still sounding drunk. "Eda come on this isn't time for games"  Raine said to her. But it didn't seem like she was messing around, she was acting silly, but they couldn't figure out why yet. "Calamity, I'm not leaving your coming with me" they said to, her and they held her by the waist, her eyes were slight red as well and her eyes seemed dull.  "Raine! She's acting lovesick- actually.. Never mind that's normal" Lilith said. "Only for my baby~"" she said leaning on them, but looked as if she'd fall asleep any second. "Okay, let's get you out of here" Raine picked eda up bridal style, then the chocolate they fed her and leaves the room. "Darius!! Where's the way out!?" Raine asks "finally! Okay both of you head I to the back hallways!" Darius said through the other line. "Yayy~ we're married~" eda said holding on to Raine. "What the fuck!? What the hell is wrong with her!?" Darius asked through the other line. "Hell if I know!! Just get us out!" Raine yelled. "Okay okay! Raine take a left, Lilith take a right!" Darius told them, Raine kept running and Lilith snuck out the event. While Raine was almost out the building, they found a thick file, so they took it, and went out the door.
Then out eda down. "Okay give me your grappling hook" they said. "Why~ we, we can just hook up" Raine started blushing hard. "Calamity, come on, just give me your grappling hook"  they asked again. "I.. I don't wanna, hook- pick up-pick me up" eda said still sounding drunk. "Is this bitch retarted?" Darius asked from the other line. "Fuck off darius!" Raine said to him, then kneeled down in front of eda checking around her belt. "Oo~ my rainey wants to fuck me~" Raine looked up at eda while blushing intensely. "Eda please, no.. Baby.. No, just no" they said partly about to start laughing. "Oh! Raine don't use that grappling hook! The hack forgot a part on in!" Darius said on the other line, just then Lilith dropped down a role from the roof. "Climb up!" She yelled down. Raine put eda on their back and climbed up. "Lilith! Your a life saver!" They said as they climbed into the helicopter. "Steve! Get us back to the base!" Lilith said. "Yes ma'am!" He said then flew off. "Lily~ I.. I was screwed!~" eda said still acting drunk. "I told you two no fucking!" Lilith said. "We didn't! There's something wrong with her right now, she's not in her right mind" Raine protests.  "What did you even do to her!?" Lilith asked "nothing!" Raine responds. "All she did was eat some chocolate!" Raine continued. "That could be laced with something!!" Lilith yelled.

They get back to the base and Lilith immediately starts checking the chocolate, while Raine and Darius watch over eda. "Hey.. Gay.. Boy-get it? -cause. -cause your gay" eda says struggling to stand. "She's fucked up.. " Darius says shaking his head, "shove it- gayrius.. Heh.. Cause-your-your gay" she said giggling then clinging on to Raine. "Rainestorm~ I want cuddles.. Cause- cause your.. Mind-mine" raine smiled and put their arms around her. "Simp" Darius said chucking.  Raine then is hit upside the head with the chocolate, that Lilith threw at them. "RAINE YOU STUPID, UGLY, FATHERLESS SON OF A BITCH!!! THAT SHIT IS LACED WITH ANASTASIA AND CRACK!!" she screams catching everyone of guard. "Oh shit.. Is she gonna be okay?" Raine asks. "You got my sister high!! Il fucking kill you!!" Lilith yells.

Raine is kind of just frozen with fear as Lilith approaches. She gets right up to their face, and to their surprise, walks away. “Hu…” Before getting punched int eh back of the head.  “OW! FUCK!” Raine yells holding their head in pain. After a few seconds of nothing, Raine opens their eyes and see Lilith right in front of them. They think their gonna get punched in the face but Lilith…had other ideas. She kicked them…and I think you know where.

Raine immediately drops to the ground in a little pathetic ball of pain, nearly in tears. (Keep in mind, she was still wearing high heels) “Be grateful I didn’t stab you.” She says coldly before walking away. Raine continues to lay their while Darius and Alidor just stare at them, knowing their pain. “Are you okay?” Darius asks. You can hear the “I’m so sorry for you” in his voice. Raine, not being able to speak, silently shakes their head.

Eda then looks over and see Raine on the ground. “H-HEY! WHO HURY MY-MY BABY!?” Eda yells. “Lilith.” Alidor says, while Darius helps Raine sit down. Eda gets sup and starts running towards where Lilith had gone before she stopped suddenly. “Do…Do you guys seeeee thaaaaaa-“ Eda then falls over backwards and pass out.

The next day, Eda wakes up in her bed with no memory of what happened last night. “AH!” Eda screams falling off of her bed. “Edalyn! Are you okay!?” Her sister yells walking in. “Where the fuck am I!? How did I get back here!?” Eda questions. “Well, that brain-dead partner of yours-“ Lilith then stoops, as she see the perfect opportunity to mess with her. “-and you get back and to celebrate you two finding the files, you two got really drunk. And unless I mistook the sound last night for something else, you two were definitely fucking.” Lilith says smirking.

“W-WHAT!?” Eda yells, turning into a damn beetroot. “WE- WE ACTUALLY- WE-…WE- W-WHAT!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?” Just then, Raine appears behind Lilith. “What all the screaming about?” They asks, slightly worried. “Raine! What the fuck happened last night!?” Eda asks in a yell. “Well, you got drugged/high during the mission, which was successful. When we finally got back here, Lilith found out that-…do you remember eating chocolate?” Raine asks. “Yes. Actually that’s the last thing I remembered.” Eda responds nervously.

“Okay, well that chocolate turned out to be laced with Anastasia and crack…so when Lilith found that out, she beat the shit outta me.” Raine says, remember that Lilith is right next to them. “I did not! I punched you in the back of the head and kick you in the-…yeah…” Lilith says back. “I-…I don’t even know who to be mad at right now. You’re both off the hook…this time. Also, Raine?” “Hm?” “Did we um…did we…do anything last night?” Eda asks, hoping they say no. “No…what are you talking about?” Raine asks confused. E da turns to Lilith and takes out her knife.


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