chapter 3

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"Nice to meet you both, I'm emperor belos" he said walking up to them, eda and Raine stood up straight next to each other, keeping a straight face.
"He doesn't know! He thinks your in the cult! Use your alibi" Lilith said through the other line. Which calmed eda and Raine down. "It's a pleasure emperor belos" Raine said with a smile, holding on to eda by the waist, which made her nurvous. "Thank you, if I may ask what were you two doing in here?" He asked. "Use! Your! Alibi!" Lilith said again she was clearly panicking. "Oh.. My.. Wife, here..has.. Social anxiety, so I took her in here to compose herself" Raine lied with a smile, and forced a smile but was internally screaming at them. "Ah, I see. How are you enjoying the party?" He asked with a fake smile eda saw through. "Its wonderful, my wife just needs a moment" Raine said hoping he would leave. "If I may ask, how did you two meet?" He asked, again sucking up to them as he did all cult members he would meet. "Oh.. It's.. A.. Cheesy.. Story" Raine said nurvously, neither of them were prepared for this. "You two met on a beach, and you proposed to her on that same beach" Darius said, as Lilith was breathing in and out of a paper bag, due to her panicking. "We.. Met at the beach and they proposed to me on that same beach.. 2 years later" eda said as she could see Raine tensing up slightly. "How wonderful, I see your doing better ma'am" belos said to eda. "Mhm!" Eda said, trying not to lash off at the mouth. "Come on, princess.. We should get back" raine said to eda, and such a name flustered her.  Raine took edas hand and lead her to the door, but a sinister smirk formed on belos's face. "And please remember.. " he said, as Raine slightly turned back to hear him out. "Keep your gadgets hidden, agent.. Whispers"  both eda and Raine froze in shock.

With Lilith and Darius:
They both heard what belos just said. "Damnit!!" Darius yelled. "Get out of there!!" Lilith yelled. "Head to the left and down the hall!" Darius said as they had a map of the building up on the computer, and heard footsteps. "Darius!! Get them out of there!!" Lilith yelled. "Calm down woman!" Darius said back. "Can you guys stop!?" Eda yelled through the other line. "Okay! Take a left!" Darius said. Lilith was again hyperventilating in a brown paper bag. "Darius!-   split!- hear me!?" Raine asked, but the network cutting them off. "Your breaking up!" Darius said. " I said!-   which-   hallway!-"  Raine said again but again was being cut off. Then the war peices completely disconnected. "Fuck!! I lost them!" Darius said in frustration. "YOU LOST THEM!?" Lilith asked In a scream. "GET BACK ONLINE YOU IDIOT!!" Lilith screamed out of fear, for her sister.

Meanwhile back with eda and Raine:
"Ah!! Fuck! We're offline!!"  Eda said to raine, they heard a lot of footsteps comming after them, so eda acted on intuition. She took Raines arm and started running again. "Eda! Do you even know where your going!?" Rai e asked, while running after her. "No!! Just come on!" Eda said back, they took a few turns then took a wrong turn and it was a dead end. "Shit!!" Eda said when she saw the wall blocking them and Raine started having a panic attack. "W-were dead!! That creep is gonna find us!" They said panicking, as well as making to much noise. "Shh!! Be quite!" Eda said whisper-yelling. "W-were!.. I... I... I... I.. " Raines voice was echoing, and eda heard footsteps comming and had to think how to get Raine to calm down. So she put her hands on Raines shoulders. "Raine calm down!.." Eda whisper-yelled again. They were still hyperventilating, so eda quickly leaned forward and kissed them, but both ended up melting into it, Raines hands moved to her hips, and eda's arms extended on their shoulders. The group of people belos sent after eda and Raine, ran right passed them, and a few moments after, eda and Raine started pulling back, slowly opening their eyes, meeting each other's gaze, their eyes only half open. Only to again lean in, and kiss each other again, a deeper kiss than the last time, then again pulling, back and realizing what they did. Both held their bands up in the air, wide eyed, both blushing intensely, and stepped back a few steps. "Oh my god..." Raine mumbled. "I...we.. I!.. I-im.. " eda studdered.  "We..kissed.. You kissed me!" Raine blurted out. "I.. I didn't mean to!!.. Well.. I did.. But I didn't know how to get you to shut up!!" Eda struggled to explain. Eda covered her mouth with her hands. "I'm an idiot!!" Eda said muddling her screams with her hands. Then they heard it. "Eda! Raine! Can you hear me!?" The network was finally back online. "Y-yes.. " Raine mumbled still shocked. "Are you guys-  EDALYN!! ARE YOU OKAY!?"  Lilith screamed interrupting Darius. "Ow- y-yeah.. We're okay.. " eda said trying to compose herself. "we have a route to get you guys out!" Lilith said. "Okay.. Lily.. can you stop screaming in my fucking ear!?" Eda yelled. "Sorry! sorry! Just take a right!" Lilith said and they again started running and soon got out the building and back into the care with Steve. "Hey guys, anything Interesting happen?" He asked as eda and Raine got into the car. "NO!!" they both yelled still completely flustered.  "Okay- jeez.. " Steve said then started to drive. It was awkward silence between eda and raine, they were both looking out their own windows, trying to think of anything else. But of course it was, impossible. Eventually their hands started touching slightly on the seat of the car, but due to eda not wanting to admit her feelings, she moved her band to her lap, Raine wasn't upset by this, despite being flustered, they actually enjoyed the kiss they shared with her, and saw this as an opportunity. When they got back, Lilith and Darius were already waiting for them at the entrance. "Edalyn!!" Lilith said wrapping her sister in a hug. "Lily!? Okay okay! I'm fine! Let go!" Eda protested, which her sister eventually complied to. "I'm glad you two are okay-?" Darius asked. "Y-yes!!!" Eda said panicking and heading to her quarters immediately. "Is...she okay?" Lilith asks looking suspiciously at Raine. "Umm..." They hum, turning red from remembering their shared kiss. "Is it because you" Lilith said looking away. Still not sure if she should laugh or throw up. "Lilith! We! Did! Not! Do! That!" Raine says turning even more red. "Then what happened, because you face is really red." "I- uh..." Raine said starting to break. Lilith sees this and think of a way to make them tell. "If you do!'t tell us, I'll tell our dad that's what you two were doing in that closet~"
Raine turns beat-red and yells, "FINE! We- um...we...she...she kissed me..." Raine mumbles. "What was that?" Darius asks smugly. "SHE KISSED ME TO SHUT ME UP AND SHE LIKED IT!" Raine yells to the point that even Eda heard it because they hear a muffled scream coming from the other room. As if she's screaming into a pillow. "Ohhhhh. I'm gonna go talk to my sister." Lilith says walking away. "Heh. Raine Whispers? More like Raine Rizzpers." Darius says smirking."I will break your fucking neck, Deamonne. Maybe that’ll shut you up.” Raine says with the most psychotic look in their eyes. Darius swallows hard, turns on his heel, and walks away without making eye contact.

With Eda and Lilith:

Lilith walks into the room Eda was in and…yup. She’s face planted into a pillow. “Hey Edalyn? You doing okay after making out with Raine?” Lilith says, not even in a playful tone. As she knows her sister would murder her is she did so. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK!?” Eda yelled after lifting her head off of the pillow and sitting up. “I though you liked it?” Lilith asked with a bit more playfulness, which Eda was too panicked to notice.“I mean-…I did…but that’s not the point! People were coming towards us and they were have a panic attack, and would shut up! So I kissed them. But then they put their damn tounge in my mouth and I did the same!? WHY!?” Eda scolds herself, while Lilith does her best not to snicker. “Well…you seem to like the-“ Lilith tries to speak but Eda runs over and covers her mouth. “Shut. Up. They’re in the other room!” Eda says frantically and Lilith looks at her like she’s the biggest idiot to ever live.“You were just screaming about how you made out with them and liked it…” Lilith says blankly. Eda turns red in realization. “I…FUCK!” Eda yells. Just then they hear Raine talking  to someone and decide to listen in. Thought tho why could only hear the end of their conversation because Eda was screaming during most of it.“Yeah, I know. This is a mess.” Raine says with a chuckle. Some mumbling is heard from the other line. “Yeah. I know…I’ll find a good time to.” Raine says confidently. More mumbling. “Kay. Thanks.” More mumbling. “Love you too. Bey.” Raine says before the other person hang up. Eda takes a step back from the door and sits down on the floor, wide-eyes. “They-…They’re with someone…” Eda says, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. Lilith, who had a hand over her mouth, says, “E-Edalyn. I’m sure i-it wasn’t like that-“ “They have a partner…and they kissed me. I know i kissed them, but they kissed back.” Eda says, so angry that she sounds calm.Eda stands up, wipes away her tears, and says, “This is why I work alone.” She leaves the room and is spotted by Raine. “Oh, hey Calamity…are-…are you okay…?” They ask but Eda just walks by them without a word, not even making eye-contact, though Raine could’ve sworn they saw a tear roll down her cheek. She walks out of the building leaving Raine confused and slightly hurt. They turn to Lilith and is met with a slap across the face. Lilith then follows Eda out of the building.“W-What…?”  Raine thinks sadly, now being alone. “What did I do wrong…?” They asks themself, beginning to cry. Just then, Darius walks in and sees Raine crying and a slap mark on their face. “Woah…what happened? I saw Eda storm out crying and Lilith followed her.” Darius asks, genuinely concerned. “I-I don’t know what happened… I got off the phone with my sister, then Eda stormed off and Lilith slapped me.” Raine says beginning to cry even more.Darius wraps an arm around their shoulder in an attempt to comfort them, before saying, “Well…what was the last thing you said to your sister?” “Well, she told me she had to hang up so I said goodbye.” Raine said with a shaky voice. Darius thinks for a few moments before he gets an idea. “By chance…did you tell your sister that you love her?” Darius asks nervously
“Well yeah, but-…” A look of deep regret forms on Raines face as they relized what they’ve just done. “Oh-Oh no…” Raine says. “Oh no, indeed Whispers.” Darius said in a soft tone

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