Harry Potter x Reader - The Date

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First part done! Leave me feedback and lemme know what you all think (:

Word Count - 2663


You had expected this would happen. Nevertheless, it still took every ounce of strength you had to keep a smile on your face when you heard his words.

'I have a date with Cho'

You had known that sooner, or later, Harry would finally pluck up the courage to ask the girl out. He had only spent the last 18 months fawning over her from afar. You would always look to him, to find him already looking over to her. You would fall back to wait for him on the way back from a Hogsmeade trip to find him already walking with her. You'd save him space at dinner, only for him to walk in and persuade you to move closer to where she was seated at her table.

It was only a matter of time before Hermione and Ron had teased him to breaking point, forcing him to finally ask her to accompany him on the next outing to Hogsmeade. You hadn't joined in on the teasing. It would only serve to hurt you more. Instead, you had stayed quiet, opting to instead cast longing looks at the boy you had accidentally fallen in love with in your second year at Hogwarts.

You hadn't meant to. In fact, you hadn't even realised you were until you came back in fourth year and found yourself becoming more and more jealous of the attention he gave to Cho. Spending time with Harry was just a part of normal life and had been that way since you became friends with the trio in your second year. You had even been involved in the journey through the trap door to find the Philosophers stone. And then last year, you had helped when Sirius had escaped from Azkaban, holding Harry's hand as he heard the truth about the person who gave up his parent's location. You hadn't realised how strong your feelings were until after the last summer. Being away from Hogwarts, and your friends, was always slightly difficult. You missed everything about it, something you had never thought you would be saying about school. But over the last summer, you had looked forward to all of the letters you would receive from your friends, though you had found yourself more excited for Harrys than any other. You would ensure you wrote back to him the same day his letters arrived, wanting to know he was okay and happy and safe.

And then you were back on the platform, eagerly standing on your tiptoes to catch a glimpse of Rons red hair, or Hermiones crazy curls. If you could find either of those, you knew Harry wouldn't be far behind them. The second you had spotted them, you had bolted in their direction, bumping into people and shoulders barging to try and make it to your friends. To him. Each of them had greeted you with a beaming smile to match your own. However, when your eyes had met Harrys, you had noticed he was staring past you. Turning your head, you spotted her. Cho Chan. Your heart had sunk in that moment, finally accepting and admitting to yourself that you were in fact in love with Harry. But he obviously didn't reciprocate your feelings.

The next six weeks had been spent settling into routine and getting used to the everchanging castle around you. After receiving your timetable, you had been relieved to find you had almost all of your classes with Harry, Ron and Hermione. You had been excited about this, at first. Until you realised you would also be sharing those classes with Harrys new sweetheart. This inevitably meant Harry spent most lessons dreamily look off to the corner of the classroom that she sat in. It was becoming insufferable in all honesty and there were several occasions you'd had to hold your tongue to stop from screaming at him to pull his head out of the clouds. Nobody knew of your feelings, and it would do no good to let them all know of them by screaming it at the top of your lungs in the middle of a Potions class.

It finally came to the day of the date. You had spent most of the week feeling sick to your stomach and trying to avoid any interaction with Harry. You would try to finish eating before he arrived in the Great Hall, you would sit next to Hermione in lesson, as opposed to your usual spot beside him. You even spent your study time in the library instead of the common room. Despite trying to be subtle, it was obvious to everyone you were avoiding him, if only you had the energy to care. Saturday had come, and after spending most of the previous night panicking, feeling sick and almost crying with every thought that popped into your head, you had chosen to just stay in bed when everyone else awoke to prepare for the day.

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