Fred Weasley x Reader - First Impressions

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First Impressions

Word Count - 1453

Heat rose up your neck as you paced back and forth in front of your floor length mirror, your blue dress swishing around your knees with every tense spin to repeat your steps. Your palms felt hot and were wringing themselves together, feeling more bare since you had chosen not to wear your rings this morning. Thoughts were rushing through your head like trains on a track, and before you had a chance to process any of them, they were gone and replaced with newer, scarier thoughts.

Your breathing had just started to become more unsettled when there was a whooshing sound behind you and you saw through the mirror that Fred had apparated, stood now at the foot of your bed. He's smiling fondly as he takes in your appearance but you can't bring yourself to return the gesture. Of course, he instantly notices and frowns, moving to stand beside you and taking your hands in his own. If he notices the sweat from your hands, he doesn't show it.

'Y/N, what's wrong?' he asks gently, leaning slightly down to meet your eyes. You breathing picks up again and you turn away from him, pulling your hands away too.

'I can't do this Fred' you whisper, trying desperately to keep the tears at bay. Fred's frown deepens as he hears the stutter in your voice as you struggle to get the words out.

'Can't do this?' he echoes and you nod your head, looking around the room, hoping an escape will present itself. It doesn't.

'Meeting your family. Your brothers and sister, your dad. Your mum! Fred, I can't do it' you begin to hyperventilate, shaking as you claw at the ends of your hair. Fred lets out a sigh he had been holding. He wasn't ashamed to admit that he thought you were talking about not being able to do the relationship. Not meeting his family. You hear him breathe out a laugh and turn to look at him bewildered.

'How is this funny?' you ask incredulously, he's already shaking his head the moment you turn to face him, knowing you have taken his relief as a sign of mockery. He takes your hands once more, meeting your gaze and breathing slowly, silently asking you to follow. He leads you over to the bed where you both sit, hands still clasped together. The tears in your eyes break his heart. He never intended for you to be this worked up over something he had only thought of as a small step. The Weasley family was renowned for its welcoming nature and he thought you would have taken it in your stride. He did not expect this reaction whatsoever.

'Y/N, please calm yourself down and breathe. You can do this. You meet new people all of the time and this is just another one of those situations. I'll be right next to you the whole time, nothing bad is going to happen. My family are going to love you and before you know it, you'll fit right in and become a part of it. I know you are nervous, but the first time will be the worst. And then after that, you won't remember what it was like to not know them' he promised you, rubbing soothing circles into your knuckles and watching your shoulders rise and fall with every deep breath you took. He gives you a smile when you don't respond straight away, understanding that you needed a little time to process his words. After a moment, the tears that brimmed your eyes had dried up, and your cheeks had slowly become less red.

'I'm not worried that something bad is going to happen Freddie. Well, I am, but not like that. I'm worried that they won't like me, because if they don't, I don't know what I'd do' you whisper into the space between you both. Fred's hand comes up to rest gently on your cheek, tilting your face so he can place a delicate peck on your forehead.

'You know you are worrying for no reason. They will love you just as much as I do' Fred soothes your anxieties.

'And if they don't? If you are wrong?' you question instantly. He smirks.

'I'm never wrong' he quips, relief washing over him when he manages to bring a smile to your face.

'Obnoxious as ever I see' you retort softly. His grin widens and he pulls you into him, your face resting on his chest.

'It'll be fine, I promise' he whispers into your hair and you nod hesitantly.

---------- 30 MINUTES LATER ----------

You had hoped that the floo would miraculously stop working before you entered, however, as was your luck, it worked perfectly. Before you knew it, you were standing in the living room of the Weasley household. You took a moment to observe your surroundings, your heart clenching at how homely and comfortable it looked. The knitted blankets adorning the seating area, the flowers in every windowsill, the huge family table located in the centre of the dining room. This was everything you had pictured it would be. You just hoped that your anxieties wouldn't ruin the next part of this meeting.

'FRED' you hear the familiar voice of the other twin brother as he hurls down the stairs, barrelling towards your boyfriend with nothing but love and excitement. Once the initial greeting and handshake are done, George finally turns to you.

'Hey Y/N, how are you feeling?' he asks, his voice considerably softer than when he had greeted his brother. You smile softly as he gives you a knowing look.

'I'm doing okay George, thanks' you utter the words just as there are more footsteps on the stairs.

'I really wish you would all learn how to pick up your own belongings off these stairs, it'll be the death of me' a woman's voice is muttering as she steps into the living room. She's fiddling with a shirt she had plucked from the banister when she finally looks up, her eyes lighting up as she sees Fred, quickly scanning next to him to find you, stood slightly behind him as if hiding.

'Ah! There you both are! Wonderful!' her voice is louder now, but no less soft. She holds her arms up in the air as Fred steps up to her and accepts the kiss on his cheek as she holds his face. You wring your hands in front of you once more. Fred steps to the side gracefully as Mrs Weasleys eyes land on you again.

'Mum, I'd like to introduce you to Y/N, my girlfriend' his tone shows nothing short of pride and a blush scatters across your face at the introduction.

'It's lovely to finally meet you Mrs Weasley' you choke out, breathing beginning to speed up again. Molly gives a short laugh as she approaches you, pulling you into a hug. She's so warm and happy to see you that for a moment, your anxiety just fades away.

'And you my dear, but none of this Mrs Weasley! It's Molly, please' she exclaims as she holds you infront of her at arms length as she examines your dress.

'Oh you are beautiful aren't you! Just as Fred said you were!' her compliment has you once more blushing and you hear George chuckle from behind you to which you give him a glare over your shoulder.

'Thank you so much' you try to accept the compliment as gracefully as possible. She continues to smile as she leads you through to the kitchen.

'Now, I'm afraid you'll be waiting a while longer for dinner...'she begins and Fred cuts in


Molly gives him a stern look.

'As I was saying, your father has been delayed slightly, but not to worry. He will be home shortly and we can all sit and catch up then! For now, Fred dear, why don't you show Y/N around the house and see if you can't find out where Ron has hidden himself away' Molly's smile never dulls and you find yourself instantly relaxed in her presence. She has such a calming character and you feel drawn to her.

She turns to continue preparing the food when Fred grabs your hand and leads you further into the house, George following close behind.

'That wasn't so bad was it?' Fred asks as soon as you round the corner into another room. You shake your head.

'That was actually pretty good' you confirm and both twins grin at you.

'Just wait until Dad starts quizzing you on the function of rubber band ball, that's your real initiation' George says, beginning to laugh as your eyes go wide.

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