404. The 3rd Battle

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Ben now knows his magic is taking effect on Acnologia. His magic's heat can penetrate this guy's super physique and magic resistance. That means he has a big chance to defeat Acnologia now.

He has prepared a lot of things for this day, and now he is ready to fight the calamity. In the past, it was always Acnologia who came to attack him. But now, it's he who prepares the stage for their fight because he is ready to end everything between them.

"It's time to finish our business, right, Acnologia? But first, I need to remove the disturbances," says Ben while extending his right hand toward the Spriggans who get flung quite far and gotten injured.

Suddenly, red-black-gold chains come out of the ground around the remaining Spriggans. The chains bind every part of their bodies tightly to make sure they can't move at all. These chains also have a magic sealing attribute that works by disturbing the flows of their magic power using something like a signal jamming method.

"Alright, now that the disturbances have gone, we can start this immediately," says Ben as he releases his full power.

His body starts to transform as he activates his Evil Dragon God Mode (a.n: just like the picture I've posted). The Spriggans' eyes are widened because they still can feel Ben's magic power even though their magic power is restricted. They can feel it skyrocketed to an unimaginable level.

"Tha-that's the power of a human? He already looked inhumane before, but now I'm sure he isn't a human anymore," says Brandish with a shocked expression.

"So this is the reason he won against Zeref so easily," says Irene. She stops calling Zeref an Emperor because he has died now. Their ages are similar, so there's no reason for her to be polite all the time to him.

The others don't even bother to remind her because they still respect their dead Emperor. They ignore her way of calling Zeref because they are too shocked by what happens. They know Ben is strong, but this is beyond their imaginations.

He has shown signs of his might, but they ignored him. Well, maybe they were underestimating him or overestimating their dead Emperor. They thought Zeref would be invincible once he got Fairy Heart and even the imitation could make him more powerful than Ben.

But Ben was ready to fight both Zeref and Acnologia at their full power. He also has thought of many possibilities including the case if Zeref getting the Fairy Heart. Although he didn't know how strong Zeref will be, but if he was sure even if Zeref get stronger than Acnologia, the gap won't be that big.

So he just needed to use Acnologia as a target and surpass the Black Dragon with a big gap. It paid off and he defeated Zeref so easily even though the Black Mage had a power boost. But Zeref was still claimed as the strongest Mage in the world, so Ben's power is already ridiculous.

"Come on, Blackie. Let's end everything here," says Ben while taunting Acnologia.

Acnologia doesn't answer and just shoots a massive blue Dragon's Roar. It hits and destroys the ground, but it doesn't hit Ben at all. Ben is already on Acnologia's face. He flashed above the beam as it get shot.

"Too slow," says Ben before he sends a punch at Acnologia's face.


Ben's punch is coated with Sun Dragon's Gravity Magic. It pulls Acnologia's face toward his fist, increasing the speed and power of the punch. Acnologia's face gets pushed back quite hard, but there's no significant damage.

"Damn, your scales are really hard," says Ben while rubbing his fist because it feels hurt a little.

The angry Acnologia swipes his left claws toward Ben who evades them easily by jumping back. Then Ben dashes forward to send another punch at Acnologia's face. But the Black Dragon opens his mouth and shoots a blue beam at Ben.

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