419. Eastern Continent

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Eastern Empire, a place that looks like countries in East Asia. The people and culture here are quite similar to Earth's East Asia. When Ben saw them for the first time, he assumed that Earth Land was like Earth in another dimension or universe, that's why there are many similarities.

It doesn't matter to him though because it is more comfortable that way. He would be familiar with many things, which would make things easier, especially when he has foreign affairs. He won't be shocked by how different their cultures are, so he could be more careful to not offend them.

Difference is a beautiful thing for him, but that beautiful thing is ruined now. The Eastern Continent that Mira likes so much as their holiday spot is destroyed. The destruction here is much worse than in Alakitasia & Ishgar.

Towns and villages are completely destroyed here. Some even get destroyed completely and only big craters are left on what were once towns & villages. It looks like the Dragons were very angry or the battles here were just too destructive.

Ben doesn't have high hope to find any survivors, but they find a group after walking around for a few days and hunting 3 Dragons. The Dragons here are more powerful than the ones on Ishgar & Alakitasia even though they have massive injuries too. Well, the weaker ones were eliminated before them, so the ones that attacked this place were initially stronger.

Among the first group of survivors they find, there is no Mage. There are some kids who have the potential to be Mages though. But they don't have time to teach these kids magic. They still don't know anything about magic, so it will take a long time for them to learn.

The people here refer to magic power as chakra or chi. Although it is basically just magic power made of ethernano, so it's the same thing. The ways they use their magic were different from Mages in Ishgar or Alakitasia, but the basic concept is still the same.

Anyway, Ben asks the survivors why the towns & villages got destroyed that much. The older survivors tell him that the great destructions were caused by the battles between invading Dragons and their Guardian Deities or Gods. Eastern Continent was known to worship their Gods that protected an area each.

Gods are magical creatures with a higher rank than Dragons. However, that doesn't mean Dragons can't win battles between them. As long as they are more powerful than the Gods, then they surely can win. Thousands of Dragons led by an individual like Acnologia would surely win the war against some local Gods.

The Mages helped their Gods, but they were just too powerless against the Dragons. Their help could give time for the civilians to evacuate though. There weren't many who survived at the end when the Dragons attacked the survivors, but at least there are still survivors left to continue this continent's legacy.

"Do you know if there are Mages who survived and still wanted to fight the Dragons now?"

"Mages? Are you talking about Martial Artists?"

"Yeah, them. The ones who have incredible power."

"Uhm, there were 3 Martial Artists in our group before. But they left to group up with other Martial Artists. They said they wanted to attack the remaining Dragons here."

"Where were they going?"

"I think they were going to the west, to Mount Suiji where more Martial Artists would gather. They left last month, so I think they've started attacking the Dragons."

"Mount Suiji, huh? I've been there once. Alright, thanks for the information."

Ben's group leaves after giving the survivors some supplies. They prioritize giving medicine because these survivors usually have found their sources of food. But medicine is hard to find, so many sick survivors can't be treated properly.

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