418. Alakitasia

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What Ben finds in the ruins of Vistarion is an underground room below the destroyed castle of Alvarez. He never explored Vistarion after the war, so he doesn't know about this place. But this finding makes him quite excited because there might be some good things here.

Ben enters the place alone while the others wait outside. He doesn't know what kind of traps got planted here, so he doesn't want to take any risk. His decision is correct because he already got attacked by a strong Black Arts attack right after he entered.

He brushes it off like nothing because his magic resistance is very strong. Some more traps get triggered, but Ben passes them all easily. He triggered those traps on purpose actually, to see what Zeref & the Spriggans prepared to keep this place safe.

"Well, not bad. Anyone other than me would've been killed already by now. They made such powerful defense, so I hope they stored good things here."

Ben reached the underground room after walking through the path for a while. The room is quite wide and it's filled with shelves. There are books, weapons, and other items that are still in good condition. Ben can sense magic all over the place that is used to maintain this room's condition.

"Heh, it looks like a secret treasury in those old movies. Let's see what kind of treasures they are keeping here."

His finding there isn't disappointing at all. The books here are research journals and magic books that Zeref, Irene, & August made in the past. This is a true treasure room even for Ben who has gotten very powerful with his magic.

He stores everything here including the weapons and magic items that are made of rare materials. These magic weapons and items aren't effective against Dragons, but they can be used well after this war ended. They are made by Great Wizards, after all, so they are surely powerful.

Ben is thinking of taking the treasures of Alvarez in his timeline. But he dismissed the idea because he needs Alvarez to be powerful now that it is affiliated with his family. Besides, having these things is enough because he can get all the information here already.

His finding here is interesting, but not so beneficial for this hunting mission. Although Ben now knows something. The Dragons weren't thorough in their attacks because there are places that weren't destroyed properly and many people still survive.

"Alvarez must've had many survivors too. We need to keep increasing our power by gathering more people to fight the Dragons. Tens of people won't be enough to defeat thousands of Dragons. We need a lot of people and it will be better if they are very powerful."

Ben's little wish gets granted very soon because his group finds a survivor group near Vistarion. This group is led by someone unexpected. It's led by Brandish, one of the Spriggans who still survives to this day, and they have some strong Mages among them.

"Y-you, I thought you were dead."

Brandish gets very wary when she sees Ben because their nations were enemies. Ben's name has spread very far when the Dragons' invasion happened. In this timeline, Ben never attacked Alvarez because of the Dragon, but Brandish still knows him because of his feat that kept being praised by Zeref.

"I survived somehow, and now I will attack the Dragons again. You are Brandish, a member of Spriggans 12, right? How about you join us in attacking the Dragons? We can forget about the past between Alvarez and Ishgar. Our top priority now is taking over this world from those Dragons."


"Then what? We just need to wait and wait until they disappeared from this world for an unknown reason that can't be explained properly? Don't be stupid, young lady. You are not a kid anymore. Freedom needs to be fought for."

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