442. Family Trip

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Ben is taking his wife and children to explore the world. Of course, they won't really explore every place like when he was exploring Ishgar in the past. They will just visit different cities all over the world to see different cultures.

They go to their first destination, a port town in the north. The Coopers go there using Ben's car, the Light Runner. It has been a long time since he drives his car. He has been very busy improving his power these past few years that he didn't have time to go around relaxedly in his car.

It's faster if he just takes his family to town by flying. But he wants his children to enjoy the trip more, so they use a car. They arrive in the port town 3 days after leaving Magnolia and pass through a few towns.

The Cooper family is boarding a ship from a port town to Alakitasia. Ben and Mira plan to visit the other 3 continents. They live in Ishgar, so they can explore it anytime. But going to other continents take time, so they take their children to the other 3 continents while they are still young.

Besides, Ben wants to see Alakitasia's state after the war that destroyed Alvarez's Capital. It will take a few days to reach Alakitasia. With nothing much to do on the ship, Ben decides to go to Guiltina alone. He needs to check the 100 years quest progress.

Ben flies faster than the speed of lightning. He still can't reach the speed of light even after transforming his body into light. However, he is still super fast and he can reach Guiltina in a few seconds.

Reaching Guiltina is easy, but finding the one he needs to meet is more difficult. He spreads his magic sense to find his target. It takes a few minutes before he finally finds it. He flies there and looks at a familiar figure.

The one he searched for is Elefseria, the one who commissioned the 100 years quest. Elefseria is surprised because Ben suddenly appears in front of him. The old man is resting when Ben suddenly appears, making him surprised and vigilant because he thought Ben wants to attack him.

"Sorry to startle you, but I'm not your enemy. You should know this symbol, right?"

Ben shows his guild mark to Elefseria and the old man recognizes it immediately.

"I am a Fairy Tail Mage, just like those who accept your job quest. My name is Ben Cooper."

"It's you!? You must be the one those kids kept talking about, the one who killed Acnologia. Especially that little cat named Bella that talked about you every time we met."

"Oh? So they've told you about me, huh? Well, that makes things easier. Before we talk more, I'll tell you that I won't help you guys in this job."

Ben immediately says that because he can see Elefseria's hopeful expression. The old man must've thought that Ben come to help the Dragon Slayers.

"No need to be disappointed. I won't help you because you don't need my help. Those guys are strong enough to do this quest. I've taught them personally for years, so I know their abilities very well. As for those Dragon Gods, I also know their power. I have my way to find that out, don't think too much about it."

"Then why are you coming here?"

"I need your help. Even if I know they have the ability to subjugate those Dragons, I also know that the chance of them failing is not small either. That's why I need your help to keep me updated about their condition. No need to tell me what happens, just tell me if they are fine or not. Also, I need you to call me immediately if something really bad happens and they are in grave danger. I will immediately come to help."

Ben gives Elefseria a magic smartphone to communicate with him. Elefseria asks if Ben really won't help and Ben gives the same answer. Then Ben asks about his guildmates' conditions. Elefseria tells him that they are fine even though they've faced some dangers.

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