I Wouldn't Marry Me Either (Angst)

957 30 137

(Humanized Eggs)
(I Saw An Edit, Had To Write It)
(Fucking Sobbing Right Now)
(Parents Aren't Divorced But THE ANGST I HAVE TO WRITE)
(I'm A Cellbit Apologist FUCK OFF)
(I basically project onto him)
(I don't know if that's how it's spelled)
(Accidental Self-Harm)
(Some Bad Thoughts)
Third Person POV

Cellbit felt empty, the house he and his ex-father-in-law built so him and his ex fiancé could live in with his son. But now, it was basically abandoned, besides him and the occasional birds that sat on the outside of the windows, before they too left him as his fiancé had.

The tall man couldn't do a thing, he felt numb and as if he was being tortured mentally instead of physically. He messed everything up, and every-time he stood up from the bed they would have shared, he feels a bigger pit form in his stomach, causing him to collapse back on the bed.

He felt like everything was crumbling down on him, like it was a building during an earthquake, the debris hitting you all at once. He hates the feeling, he despised it and never wanted to feel it again. The man knew he would feel it for the rest of his life, even when he does officially die he'd still feel the depressing, lonely feeling.

Cellbit felt like a flower with a broken stem, he was planted in the ground and grew, he was happy. But then, someone pulled him out, it was Roier. Leaving him and throwing the flower on the floor as he walked away from it, leaving it to die.

The thought made tears build up in his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, that's what Roier said once to him. The compliment made him blush and smile and he couldn't think for a few moments when he heard that. His eyes were burning it felt because he had been crying for the past few days, he was surprised he hadn't run out of tears already. The man was mentally and emotionally exhausted from everything, Richas, his son was forced to stay with his other dads. He forced his son to leave.

That reminded him of his sons heartbroken look in his eyes, the way he saw tears well up in his own sons eyes, something he hadn't seen since Bobby died and he had to tell him. He grasps for his pillow as he realized he made his son cry, he didn't want to have done that.

Cellbit started to think of everything he'd done. Mess things up with Roier, make his son cry, make everybody hate him, couldn't protect Bobby, couldn't even protect Roier or his son from himself, a monster. A monster who deserved to rot in the castle that he made for his loved ones, he deserved to sit here and be sad. But he didn't even deserve that, he deserved to be yelled at, for everybody to be mad at him and tel him how much he fucked up and remind him. Cellbit felt like he didn't even deserve that however, he deserved to just get killed over an over again.

But that would just let him be free, he didn't want to be free. He wanted, he wanted..

The man didn't even know what he wanted. He couldn't think, all his thoughts just simply, stopped. They came to a halt and he was sitting there. His body felt numb and his brain soon did as well.

The whole castle had been a mess, even his room. All of the books and vases were on the ground, the vases were broken. The books had been scattered around the room, some pages ripped out. All the paintings were ripped apart besides the one in his secret room, the one of him, Roier, Bobby and Richas. He couldn't, wouldn't break that one nor take it down, it was too precious to him and if he did, he would basically be killing himself. It would rip him to shreds itself, the painting was a reminder of what he has messed up, what he could have had. But what he failed to have.

Cellbit couldn't even say his fiancés name out loud, he could barely even look around the castle or anything without thinking of him. He couldn't get him out of his head yet he couldn't even think of him out loud. The thought made him nauseous, he didn't feel disgusted about the other, no it wasn't that. He felt disgusted with himself, how could he even think about the other mentally to himself, he didn't deserve to think about him. The other deserved better then he could give him, what he did give him, what he was planning on giving him.

He clutched the death totem in his hand, his knuckles turning white as he had clutched it into his hand too hard. He could care less however, it felt hard to breath now. All of his thoughts came back slowly, before they all just started spiraling into more, deep, sad thoughts of his. Cellbit grasped his shirt with his other hand, as his other hand let go of the totem, the thump it made as it hit the bed made his breathing go all over the place along with his thoughts.

The hand that previously had held the totem, was holding onto the bed sheets, the bed sheets him and his ex fiancé were supposed to share, were supposed to wake up every morning and see each other, were supposed to say goodnight to each other and hold one another in each others arms. That wouldn't happen, he felt so nauseous.

Black dots started to appear in his vision, it scared him. He didn't know what was about to happen. He felt himself freeze as he grasped onto his shirt and bed sheets harder. He clawed at his shirt, trying to get it off. It was hard to breathe, he could barely register him ripping his shirt off and digging his nails into his chest.

He had started to bleed, as his breathing slowly slowed down and was back to its regular state. Cellbit raised his hands and saw red in his finger nails. It made him feel even more nauseous, for the first time in forever he ran to the bathroom across his room. Immediately he crouched down in front of the toilet, he hasn't ate or drank anything in a while so stomach acid and juices came out instead.

He closed his eyes shut, he couldn't bear to look at the mess he created. He started gagging a few more times after he finished. He waited a few more minutes, it felt like an eternity for him however before he decided to clean himself up.

He stepped into the shower and started to clean his fingernails and his body that reeked like vomit. He stood in the very steaming, hot water for a few more minutes, he couldn't feel how hot it was and he could care less if it was hurting him. He stepped out and walked into his room, a towel around himself as he picked some of Roier's clothes out. It was some of his favorites.

He flopped onto the bed and clutched one of his ex fiancés bandanas and the death totem in his hand. As he pulled his ex fiancés weighted blanket on top of himself. He would lay there all night, listening to the occasional monsters outside of his house or the horse and the sheep's he had. Tears slowly built themselves up again, running down the side of his cheeks onto the pillows, he wouldn't pay any mind to the dampness on his pillows.

One of the thoughts that lingered however, 'I wouldn't marry me either, a pathological people pleaser..' At that thought, Cellbit flipped onto his side, back to the outside door leading to his balcony.

HELLO MY LOVELIES!! I Hope you enjoy some angst. IM SORRY ITS NOT ROIER ANGST!! Being a Cellbit apologist and a kin is hard. IM SORRY GUYS!! Enjoy this however. I decided full angst. Mwahahahaha (My evil laugh) ENJOY THO MY LOVELIES!!! <3

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