After The Wedding (Fluff)

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(This song is my moms favorite)
(Coincidence it's Guapoduo song)
(I'm also crying sad tears)
(There will be spoilers in my a/n at the bottom)
(I'm gonna die)
(I'm scared, terrified, WTF CUCURUCHO FUCK YOU)
Third Person POV

Cellbit and Roier were both very happy now, they just got married and were at the castle. They had said goodbye to everyone thanking them on their way out. Slime and Quackity tried to ruin their wedding but failed, so they decided to call today a good day as nothing has gone too bad.

The two couldn't stop smiling throughout the whole thing besides the whole objection issue. But now they could finally relax and not have to worry about anything or anyone waltzing in and bothering them. It was nice, the only thing they could hear were the birds outside chirping.

They both lay in the bed, they were too tired to truly get up and party by themselves or something so they decided to just cuddle. Cellbit told Roier about him being ace and not really liking sexual desires. Roier understood and said that marriage wasn't all about that and that they could just cuddle in the bed everyday.

Cellbit was happy that the other understood him and how he felt towards sexual things like sex. He couldn't be happier that he was accepted and that his husband didn't see it as an issue and had still loved him. Roier had his arm around Cellbit's waist as Cellbit put his own arm around the others waist.

The two wanted to stay in the bed cuddling forever. If they could, they honestly would but they would have to eat and shower. Roier decided to keep teasing the other on how he was nervous earlier, the teasing had caused the taller to advert his eyes to the wall behind Roier as a small red tint formed on his cheeks.

"Says the one who asked me to stab Forever even though you could have stabbed him yourself."

At the remark Roier gasped in a dramatic way, putting the back of his hand on his forehead and acting hurt. Cellbit laughed loudly at the scene, it was hilarious that everyone he knew, including himself was overdramatic a lot.

Roier realized they were still in their wedding suits so he decided to get ready for bed, some of his clothes were here because Cellbit liked his oversized clothes that he had for when he forced Bobby into them and made it look like Bobby was in a dress/shirt. Cellbit also changed when he realized what the other was doing.

Roier climbed back into bed as Cellbit had walked out of the bathroom. The tall man jumped into bed, diving like he would into a pool. The shorter of the two laughed at the others stupid actions. He jokingly scolded the other for not being careful and not realizing he could have hurt himself and to be more careful next time he tries that, if he does try it again. The scolding brought an eye roll out of the other as he laughed, shutting the other up with a kiss on the cheek.

Cellbit wasn't the type to display his affection physically, all his friends knew that he was slightly better with words or gifts than actions. Roier's face visibly lit up at the affection, he was happy that his husband felt comfortable enough to kiss him. Even if it was on the cheek it still was sweet and made him feel more alive than ever.

Richas came up a few moments later, quickly complaining and ranting to the two of how Foolish and Vegetta had already chased him down to give him a bath. He grabbed his hair to show them it was indeed a bit wet still. Cellbit just laughed at his son and in return he got a smack on the arm from him, hissing him away like a cat quickly after.

Roier couldn't help but simply smile at the sight in front of him, Richas and Cellbit laughing and insulting each other. His eyes wandered more towards his husbands face. The way his jawline was perfectly shaped, the way his eyes closed when he smiled, the way he laughed, the way his hair still looked amazing even after a long day. He couldn't believe that he was married to the person he trusts the most besides his fathers and his sister.

Roier knew in that moment, the moment he saw his now son and his husband insulting and laughing towards each other, was the moment he knew that if he had a choice to go back in time and get off the island and not know his husband or be married with Cellbit and stay on the island, he would be the second one. Nothing would stop him from this, he wished he could re live the marriage as it was the most beautiful thing ever, his husband was the most beautiful thing ever. Everything about Cellbit was beautiful, he may have made mistakes but he tried and continued trying, not giving up until those mistakes were erased into the past.

Roier got dragged into the insults by Richarlyson, Cellbit quickly protected his husband and insulted his son again. It started a whole new insult session, Cellbit even started speaking Spanish, making Roier smile even more. His husband was speaking his native language because he wanted to learn it and be able to speak it with the other. It made him blush, he decided he would start to learn Portuguese for his husband as well, it was the least he could do and plus it would be nice to understand his husbands native language.

Richas crawled into the bed as he yawned, Cellbit gasped at this but quickly smiled down and kissing his son on the forehead. He was in the middle of the two lovers, Roier wrapped an arm around both of them, Cellbit did the same. The three of them quickly said goodnight to each other and they all fell into nice dreams of their lives.

IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!! AND IM SORRY ABT MY OTHER QSMP BOOK NOT BEING UPDATED YET!! I'm having lack of motivation currently and am just exhausted. BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW QUACKITY GOT KICKED FROM HIS OWN SERVER?! FUCK CUCURUCHO!! Wilbur is gonna come back, Philza will tell him what Jaiden told him and he will go save him. Even if he doesn't quite understand the whole federation shit, he will also die when he sees the election stuff. I don't know where I was going with this one by the way.! Also tomorrow might be Cellbit and Roier playing a horror game! Depending on if Roier streams with the whole heatwave. This is why I will always hate summer. I JUST GOT A NOTIFICATION?! SLIME IS LIVE AGAIN?! If this man gets on QSMP I will laugh. I love him he's amazing and funny. Except for trying to yk ruin the wedding >:(. ANYWAYS ENJOY MY LOVELIES!!

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