Hanging Out (Fluff)

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(Literally just part 3 to the last 2 chapters)
(I should really just make a book)
(I have another one I'm working on though)
(That nobody will read-)
(Twitter sucks)
(Getting mad at foolish for roleplaying-)
(Get outta here)
(Waiting for Wilbur day #47271930273931770)
(That's a joke)
(Bobby is alive still)
(Vegetta & Foolish aren't Roier's parents)
(This is kind of Guapoduo acting like teenagers)
(Like the stereotypical teenage girls)
(Yea I don't know either guys)
(I haven't wrote like 3 days in a row for so long, yikes)
Third Person POV

"Cell, you might want to get up before the twins murder you.."

Cellbit snapped up at that, rubbing his eyes before fully opening them and seeing Foolish and Jaiden standing at the foot of his bed, Roier standing next to them as well.


Foolish laughs at his confused look, making Jaiden erupt into a fit of giggles as well. He rolled his eyes at his siblings. Pushing the blanket off of him and swinging his legs off the bed. Cellbit leaned forward, arms on his knees as he looked down to the ground. He was extremely tired, but he wouldn't let that ruin his day.

Cellbit stood up, walking to his dresser and pulling out some clothes before he walked into the bathroom. He picked some sweatpants and a blue t-shirt with some kind of band on them. As he looked into the mirror he put on his favorite necklace, made by Pomme, Ramon and Tallulah one night. He put his hair into a bun, quickly double checking before running out and going to his night stand.

Roier, Jaiden and Foolish all looked confused at what he was looking for frantically, standing there awkwardly. Cellbit stood back up with a bracelet from Dapper and Chayanne, bunch of skulls on it, and two rings one by Leonarda and another by Richas and Bobby. The eggs loved giving him things because he always gave them things.

Roier could see his tattoos since he wasn't wearing a jacket or a sweater, being grateful for that. He looked down at his husbands hands, seeing the wedding ring and smiling to himself. That was the only ring on his left hand. It made him feel special, he knew he was but it made him feel more than he had suspected.

"Ooooo, Can I borrow some of your clothes now? Honestly I'm in love with this shirt."

"But you don't like my style, Jaiden?! How could you do this to your own sibling.."

Foolish fake cried into his hands, Cellbit rolled his eyes but nodded towards Her. He didn't mind his siblings ever stealing his clothes, he did it too with Foolish a ton. Jaiden would always steal his clothes because they shared a bit of the same style so it was easy for them in case they needed to borrow a shirt or a jacket.

Roier just stood there still, rubbing at his arm as he moved his neck around, looking anywhere but his husband. If he could he would stare at him all day but he would get teased for that and no one would let him live that down.

"Okay I'm ready now, we should head to the favela, the twins will get annoyed at us for taking too long. They are with others and the eggs but you know how they are, Cellbit."

He nodded and they made their way to the favela. As they arrived, Cellbit could see the twins relaxing under a big tree with Dapper and Ramon. Tallulah and Pomme running away from Chayanne chasing after them around the fountain. Bobby and Richas playfully fighting one another. Leonarda was sitting with surprisingly Vegetta.

Foolish screamed as he saw him, quickly waving at him as he ran towards the two leaning against the fountain. Cellbit and Jaiden laugh at him as they make their way to the twins. Roier had walked off to Bobby and Richas, still obviously admiring Cellbit.

"Pssst, Bobby he keeps staring at Pa Cellbit.."

"I know, it's weird adult things I think."

The two giggled as Roier turned to them both, glaring at them. It caused them to laugh more louder and Cellbit, Jaiden along with the twins turned towards them, looking confused.

Roier put his hands over their mouths trying to get them to stop attracting attention. Bobby licked his palm, a disgusted sound came out of Roier, frantically wiping his hand on his shorts.

He saw Cellbit out of the corner of his eye staring at him as he giggled silently. Roier saw Jaiden whisper something to Cellbit, watching him turn red. He threw a questionable look at her as Cellbit turned his back to him to slap her gently.

Jaiden gave him a look of, 'talk later'. He sighed, shaking his head as he turned back to his kids. He started chasing them around the area where everyone was, screams erupted from them whenever he would get close enough to almost reach them.

All the other eggs joined in a while later, as they all got chased by Roier, playing a game of tag. Roier was very athletic since he liked to run a lot with Bobby so he could do it for a while. Cellbit sat in the middle of the twins, leaning onto ElQuackity's shoulder. Quackity was upset by that and made a sad noise towards him, causing them all to laugh.

He put his arm around Quackity's shoulders and pulled him in, Jaiden laid next to ElQuackity and leaned against him as Foolish joined in, laying on all of their laps, they all laughed at him as he got comfy.

Vegetta had helped Roier chase the kids as the siblings watched, content with laying under the tree together. It was a fun, sunny day for all of them. No one would deny that, how could they? It was a nice day, for the eggs and for the adults as Bad brought some Ice cream for them with Forever and Maximus' help. Baghera, Etoiles, Antoine, AyPierre and even Kameto had joined them as well. Pac and Mike joined later with Philza and Fit joining soon after, surprisingly Wilbur came back to the sight of new people and his friends, not to mention his daughter and another Quackity, a story for another time as Spreen, Marina, Slime and Missa making a surprise return as well with some fruits for them.

Cucurucho watched from a distance, no one could see him and he wondered why they were all together, smiling and laughing as if there was not two Quackity's or anything. He disappeared once everyone had dispersed later that day.

HELLO!! ANOTHER ONE WOW, I'm on a roll honestly. Only because Philza isn't streaming or Foolish right now. I'm waiting for someone to stream, currently just watching Etoiles though. I cant understand but it's nice to watch!! Hope you guys enjoy and I'm hoping a specific someone gets first voter, LMAOO!! ENJOY THOUGH MY LOVELIES MORE LORE TO COME SOON HOPEFULLY!!! <3.

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