Admiring (Fluff)

530 15 18

(I'm so exhausted)
(I still have to publish my Qsmp oneshot book)
(This one might be short and maybe the next one)
(And I might go back and rewrite this another day)
(My arm is killing me)
(I'm just gonna do this one then rest)
(I'm genuinely in pain)
Third Person POV

Forever had just been announced as the president of the island, Cellbit quickly ran up and hugged him as he pat him on the back. Richarlyson had thrown fireworks everywhere after he hugged his dad. Roier sat with Leo as they tried to do as much quests for her as they could do.

Roier watched Cellbit celebrate with Forever as they made some jokes with the others and as he tilted his head back when he laughed, or when he moved his head sometimes randomly. Leo wrote down how he was staring at him, but he could retorted that their father Vegetta does it all the time to their other father. Leonarda quickly laughed to herself before running up to Richarlyson, probably telling him what happened as he watched them giggle.

"Hey, Roier!! What do you think of me being president?"

"Congrats, man. Who's the First Lady? Bad, Max? Or both..?"

Cellbit wheezed at that as he quickly hugged his stomach, claiming it hurt so much from how much he had been laughing for. It caused them all to laugh which echoed from the slight empty building they were sat in.

Forever called a speech, waiting for everyone to sit down in their respective seats before he cleared his throat and started to talk about the federation, how honored he felt and that he would protect the eggs still no matter what.

It felt like an eternity before he finished his speech with a bow and he blew a kiss whilst he finished, making everyone chuckle at that. Cellbit and Forever talked about some things, making some jokes as Roier talked with Richarlyson and Leonarda.

They all got a message in the communicator and checked it. The message was from the federation and how the fireworks were about to start and it will be better from outside the front. So they all yelled as they walked out, before facing the building as they sat there and waited in the grass or on the path.

Once the fireworks started, there was some curious noses or some happy compliments of the fireworks. Cellbit started singing a song, some of the others joining in with him before they all stopped besides him. Roier couldn't help but admire him, as he kept staring at him.

It was his husband,and Roier felt so incredibly happy that he had married the other, that he got to cuddle and kiss the others cheek anytime he truly got to. It made him feel special that he was one of the only people in a relationship on the island whilst everyone else was lonely or just sad.

Roier kept staring at the other, not once taking his eyes off of him, he didn't even look at the fireworks either so he didn't know what everyone else was staring at but he didn't care, all he cared about was staring at his husband at that moment. He wanted to cherish that moment forever, it felt so special and dear to him he couldn't help it.

Once the fireworks came to a stop, most people left together or alone. Even the president had a meeting he had to go to so he bid everyone goodbyes as he warped out and probably to his house. Cellbit turned around to Roier at that moment and saw him staring, which made him snap out of it and look away as he was red in the cheeks.

He would never admit that however as Roier quickly turned back to him, staring into those eyes and kissed the other lovingly. Cellbit made a shocked noise but kissed back before they broke apart and hugged each other afterwards. Richarlyson had taken some pictures along with Leo who was spamming her camera but neither seemed to care about what they were doing at that moment. Everything seemed to disappear for them besides themselves and Roier was grateful for that moment we he took in the others face more than he ever had, besides the wedding.

Cellbit seemed to do the same as he barely blinked as they stared at each others faces, making eye contact a bunch of the time. The moment broke when Leonarda screamed at them both to stop being so in love and to do her quests, which got her an eye roll and a scoff. But they all giggled as they all four walked off to do her quests, as some part of the family.
I'm sorry this isn't as long as usual chapters I'm just exhausted!! I'll do the rest tomorrow or in the next few days!!! Hope you guys enjoy this and the other things I've wrote so far!! ENJOY MY LOVELIES!!

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