Singer AU Part Two (Fluff)

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(I'm speechless from yesterday)
(How TF Dod Quackity Kidnap Dapper?!)
(Out Of All The Eggs????)
(I'm scared for elections)
(Voted for Etoiles though)
(This is part 2 to singer AU)
(It's a coffee Date)
(Some eggs aren't a thing js for the story)
(It isnt talked abt but Cellbit has issues with dating before)
Third Person POV

"Come on Cellbit!! It'll be fine, you just have to walk out the door now. He's waiting for you, idiot!!"

"I'm nervous, what if he doesn't want to anymore or posts about it on social media and then everyone hates me!!"

Mike sighed, they were getting no where with this. The two had been sitting there for over 5 minutes whilst Cellbit's date was outside with Forever and Felps.

"You're okay. He won't be like that and if he somehow is, we will beat the living shut out of him and make his life a living hell."

Cellbit smiled, nodding before sighing as he slowly got up. He hugged Mike before walking out, casting a questioning look at Pac who was leaning against the other wall. Pac coughed awkwardly before he looked away, whistling. Cellbit giggled at him before hugging him too.

"You got this!!"

He thanked them both before walking down the stairs, not thinking twice he opened the front door. Forever and Felps were sitting on either side of Roier, asking him questions. Cellbit giggled, making his presence known. They all turned around to see him, Forever and Felps sighing before getting up as they pat his shoulder, lightly.

Roier was wearing sunglasses and a hat to try and disguise himself more. He stretched out his hand for Cellbit to take, whom gladly took it. They walked down the steps of the front porch and made their way to Roier's car.

Roier opened the passenger door for him, closing it once he was sitting down. He made his way to the driver side and quickly got situated before glancing to Cellbit before driving off.

Once they got to the place, Cellbit was nervous. He had been fidgeting in the car the whole time. Getting constant questioning or worried glances from Roier, but he didn't do anything nor did Cellbit say anything.

It was a small Cafe at the outskirts of the city, Cellbit hadn't seen it ever but it might be because he stays up in his office a lot. When they stopped, Roier was already out of the car, quickly walking to open Cellbit's door. He thanked him as Roier extended his hand for him to take again, he gladly took it.

"This is one of the places I can go and no one really cares who I am, all the workers know but don't really care. They give me a table in the back, which is really fancy for a coffee shop."

"That's nice of them to do."

Roier hummed in agreement at that, as he led Cellbit into the cafe and quickly to the counter. No one was in line so Roier quickly took of his sunglasses, the worker smiled and nodded before quickly letting them through and to the back. The two sat down, and a worker came over immediately, note pad in hand.

"Oh, hey Roier! What can I get you and"

"Hello Etoiles, I would like my usual. Yes, this is my date."

Cellbit waved back to the man, he seemed really nice, but he wouldn't say anything. He skimmed through the menu. He finally decided on some type of coffee he hadn't heard of so far. Coincidentally Roier's usual order was the same thing. Cellbit and him laughed at that.

They enjoyed their coffee before Cellbit got a call from Forever, quickly apologizing before answering. He was met with frantic yelling in his ear by multiple people, having to pull it away from his ear, before sighing and looking at Roier quickly as he put it back up to his ear.

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