We only see each other at weddinngs and funerals

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Episode 1
Very mixed pov sorry
I also improvised Dazai s ability to fit the story.
I suggest looking up Japanese suffixes and honorifics if you don't understand some parts.
Allison was walking through the door when she first spotted her sister, Vanya.
"Vanya? Is that really you?" She called, striding up to Vanya and wrapping her arms around her. Vanya startled a bit, only just then hearing the click of Allison's shoes before she was enveloped into a rather awkward hug.
"Allison- hi, hi.. yeah it's me!" She chuckled, bringing her arms up to hold onto Allison's wrists that were locked around her upper chest. She felt rather u comfortable, what with having someone basically groping one of her biggest insecurities...

They both looked up when they heard another pair of shoes stomping down the stairs. "What're you doing here? You shouldn't be here after what you did." Diego said, walking by the briskly.
"Are you really going to do that here? Right now?" Allison sighed, pulling her arms away and releasing Vanya.
Diego just scoffed and continued up the stairs.

When he walked into Reginald's office, he paused in mild disbelief when he saw Luther, eyebrow cocking immediately. Once he got over the mild shock he walked forward again, stopping to stand a few feet away from his giant brother. He held out a paper to him.
Luther just looked at him, a clueless expression that often marred his face was ever present to Diego's amusement. "The autopsy report." He supplied, dropping his arm once Luther had snatched it and opened up to begin reading. "It says he died of a regular old heart failure."

Luther shook his head, scrunching up the paper as his hands formed into fists. "No.."
Deign chuckled, pivoting lazily to walk over and flip down into a chair before looking back up at Luther. "What? Not even going to question how I got it?" He paused, obviously waiting for Luther to ask. When he didn't, he just rolled his eyes and continued. "Broke into the coroners office. Pogo found dad, by the way."

Luther's nose scrunched up slightly, causing his normally square face to look more juvenile. He picked that one up from father. Reginald would always scrunch up his face when he was displeased with something. "Dad was found without his monocle."

"Your point being?"

"Have you ever seen dad without his monocle? No. That means someone took it, which in turn means someone was there with him when he died!"
Diego suddenly felt a little bit of anger, how could Luther care so much about this man? This man who never gave them the time of day, the man who killed their own brother for gods sake. It pissed him off. "Look, there is no mystery here. He died, a sad old man alone in his office. Just. Like. He. Deserved."
Diego made sure to punctuate the last few words, poking at Luther's crumbling patience as he stood and walked forward a few steps.

"You should leave.." Luther grit out. The paper in his hand was practically dust he was squeezing it so hard.

"Whatever you say, brother."

Vanya was walking through the front room of the mansion, finally having managed to shake Allison. She was looking through the books that collected dust on the tall shelves. She came across one book, her own book she had written, and picked it up. The spine was dusty, bust the cover was clean and barred no signs of having been opened. Not once.

She sighed, flipping the cover open and turning a page. Written on a blank page was her handwriting;
I figured, why not?


She startled a bit when she heard a voice, "welcome home moss Vanya."
She turned her head, smiling slightly as she saw pogo, her fathers right hand butler. Her eyes widened a bit when she spotted the person standing next to him. "Pogo, Dazai.. it's lovely to see you again."
She turned and walked over, book still in hand, to embrace pogo. Her eyes darted up to the man standing just behind him, Dazai.

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