Run Boy Run 2/3

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I know the diner scene happened before this but I didn't realize that until I was 3000 words deep so you get what you get.

Dazai sighed, finger twirling a small curl of his hair as he laid on his back, legs kicked up and swinging in the air. He was sitting the wrong way on Vanya's couch, his back where his bum should've been, listening in on the twos quiet mumbling of conversation, though he was mostly just drowning it out with random bursts of humming. He smiled to himself every time either Vanya or Five flicked their eyes to him, speech stuttering before they looked away and continued talking. Five didn't look quite as perturbed as Vanya did.

He wasn't usually one to leave the manor, much lest without their father, though he'd found a recent taking to the freedom Reginalds death had brought him. So now, here he is, following Vanya home after their little 'reunion,' crashing at her place because she could not for the life of her get him to get his ass up and out the door. The only time she'd managed to get him to leave for maybe an hour she'd thought she was finally free, having not seen the incessant man for long enough she figured he'd have gone home or maybe fallen in front of a car. Though, to her despair, he'd simply crab crawled his way over to her bedroom window and had in fact picked the lock and slept in her bed for the better part of said hour until she'd caught him when she went to go change for work.

Dazai didn't bother moving when both of his siblings stood, walking in the same direction of what Dazai now knew to be the kitchen. He hadn't caught what they'd said before this, so he could only hope they were making dinner. He was hungry!

"—aive to understand."

Dazai's eyes fluttered open—he'd intended to take a nap whilst dinner was being prepared—at the sudden influx in volume. He observed as Five paced around the kitchen before he grabbing his jacket and walked to the door, Vanya following after him calling his name to get him to stop.

"Ah, it's been a while since I've gotten to witness this sibling fights!" Dazai crowed, resuming kicking his legs slightly in the air. Vanya had turned to look at him, an off put, borderline annoyed looked on her face, though Five didn't bother.

Vanya huffed. "I haven't seen you in a long time. I don't want to lose you again."

Five didn't say anything, again, though it looked like he was about to before Vanya continued.

"Look, it's late, I'm sure you're tired. I've got lessons in the morning, but I have a spare room you can stay in for the night," she said, walking over towards the couch and ignoring Dazai's indignant expression as she pulled the blanket that was draped over the back of the couch out from under his knees.

"You never offered 🥀me that room!" Dazai cried, righting himself up on the couch by unceremoniously throwing his legs over and shoving himself up.

"That's because 🥀you weren't invited."


She ignored the rest of Dazai's wailing as she turned back towards where Five was standing, his back to the door. "We can talk in the morning, okay? I promise." She handed him the blanket, putting her hand on his shoulder and directing him towards the guest room before bidding him good night and walking to her own bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

"The nerve!" Dazai huffed, falling back against the arm of the couch. Five gave him a look as he shut the door to the guest room, leaving Dazai to throw his fit in the darkened silence of the living room.


Dazai was never one to be a light sleeper, the brush of a cool breeze or the creaking of an old houses walls in the night could get him up, wide eyed and aware within moments. He's not sure if he hates this about himself, or if it's a blessing in disguise, but he didn't have time to debate that right now.

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