Run Boy Run (1/2)

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The gentle scritch scratching of the needle point running over the record could be heard throughout the house, a monotone accented voice muffling it as the person spoke about extreme weather evacuation drills.

Dazai sighed, cold hand rubbing harshly at his closed eyes as he listened to the loud banging of the little dinner bell Grace so loved echo through the house. It was dinner time.
The sound of a dozen feet racing down the stairs and slapping the linoleum flooring towards the grand dining room is what officially roused him. He opened his eyes and dropped the little book he'd snatched from the many lining the shelf walls somewhere in the house. He couldn't be bothered to keep track of which room, the place was huge.

A single knock on his door and he was up, walking from the plush chair to the front of the room where he opened the door and swiftly trailed after Reginald who was walking with a purpose through the hall and into the dining room, the children already standing behind their designated seats awaiting their arrival.

When Reginald stopped beside his own chair Dazai quickly made work of pulling it back and tilting it just to the side to allow for easy access to the padded seat. Reginald nodded his, staring forward at Number 7, whom sat at the head of the table directly across from Reginald himself. "Sit!" He called, the abrupt yell making Dazai blink a few times rapidly. He never would get used to that.
The scarping of several chairs followed as the children pulled back their own seats to sit down, the noise making Dazai inwardly cringe.

He quietly observed the children, having nothing better to do stood directly beside Reginald's seat. One of them was gouging chunks out of the wooden arm rest of his seat, another seemed to be rolling a joint as he chewed leisurely at the potatoes on his plate. One of the boys was reading, though the book was tilted away from him unfortunately so he couldn't snoop further... and what's he doing? Dazai let his gaze fall on Number 5, who was very noticeably not eating, instead he was looking around with his whole body, elbows on the table hitting into Number 1, who sat beside him. He shot Number 5 several glares each time his knife was jostled, which seemed to bounce right off Number 5 as he continued looking about.

Eventually, Number 5's gaze landed on Reginald, who stared right back at him while he sipped from his overly fancy wine glass. So we're in for a show, are we?

Dazai watched as all the children jumped and looked up from their various not-eating-dinner activities when Number 5 stabbed his steak knife into the wooden table. Dazai had to repress a chuckle, bandaged hand coming up to rest softly against his nose.

"Number 5." Reginald spoke, tone rigid.

"I have a question." Five said, hand coming off the knife and folding beneath his chin with his other. The knife still sat stabbed into the table beside his elbow.

Reginald sighed, continuing to cut his steak. "Knowledge is an admirable goal. But you know the rules; no talking during meal times. You are interrupting Herr Carlson." He said finally.

The children looked between them both quietly, eyes blown wider than normal as they watched little Number 5 defy their father. Dazai was personally elated, having to stand here as they all went about their very boring activities during dinner is a real drag. The entertainment is welcomed wholeheartedly.

"I want⚠️ to time travel." Number 5 said, voice growing a bit testy.

"No." Reginald drawled, drawing out the 'o' exasperation.

Number 4 grit his teeth. "But I'm ready⚠️. I've practicing my special jumps, just like you said." The seat dragged loudly as he stood. He accentuated his point by quickly warping from his seat to standing right beside Dazai, who gave him a look of casual contempt. "See?"

"Your spatial jumps and time travel are two drastically different things, Number 5." He said quietly. Number 5 gave him a look, opening his mouth to say something before he was cut off by Reginald. "Number 8 is correct. A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel." Dazai smirked, sticking his tongue out childishly at Number 5 as he glared at him. "One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn."
Dazai released a breath from his nose in amusement, what a strange metaphor.

Number 5 gave Reginald a curious look, tone now quieter and a bit.. disappointed. "Well, I don't get it.."

Reginald spoke with the same tone as always, not swayed by Number 5's change in demeanor. "Hence the reason you are not ready."

Number 5 clenched his fists, head turning to look over the table at his siblings. He only saw one looking back at him. Number 7 was shaking her head, an imploring look in her eye. Dazai quite agreed with Number 7, pushing Reginald like this when he's already made up his mind will do little good. If anything it'll only greaten your workload during training. But Dazai would never say that aloud. Much more fun to keep his opinions to himself and watch it all play out.

Number 5 looked back to Reginald, fists falling open. "I'm not afraid."

"Fear isn't the issue." Reginald responded back immediately. "The affects it might have on your body, even in your mind are far too unpredictable."

Number 5 scoffed, kicking Dazai in the shin when he heard the stifled giggling barely muffled from beneath his hand. Dazai whined a bit but stayed otherwise quiet.

"I forbid you to talk about this anymore." Reginald said, throwing the two children a look neither one cared to decipher at that moment.

Number 5 stood still for a moment, hands now tucked into his pockets. What's he about to do? Surely he won't just go sit down after making s fool of himself.. Dazai thought bemusedly to himself as he examined the rather stiff stature Number 5 was exuding. He wasn't at all surprised when he removed his hands from his pockets and pivoted, walking swiftly from the building.

Reginald called after him, steak knife now disgraced on his plate. "Number 8, go fetch him." He sighed, tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth. The children all watched on with mild looks of shock on their faces, dinner long forgotten as they stared after Number 5 and now Dazai as he jogged after Number 5, silently hoping he wouldn't catch him in time.

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