Chapter 3★

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The maid came and open the door revealing a handsome tall man.. The man came inside and Mr. Kim greeted him with a warm smile..

Mr. Kim: Long time no see Bogumie Hyung

Dr. Bogum: Well Mr. Kim... How'd we see each other when my one and only lil boy fall in love sooo hardly hmmm (in a teasing tone)

Mr. Kim: Ohh come on hyung.. Who fall in love with who'm??

Dr. Bogum: Look how this idiot forgot his own Boyfriend.. You just call this morning and told me that you're boyfriend is sick.. Are you serious?? You literally forgot your boyfriend??

Mr. Kim: Ohh yeahh no i mean i didn't forget but my brain did hehe

Dr. Bogum: And you really think i don't know you huhhh.. Ok now where's my brother-in-law... What happened??

Mr. Kim: He's in my room.. Come with me

Dr. Bogum is Mr. Kim's childhood friend.. They're so close to each other.. Dr. Bogum is older than Mr. Kim.. So that he always saw Mr. Kim as his younger brother.. Really like his biological brother

Mr. Kim: Here he is

Dr. Bogum: Wahh my brother-in-law is so pretty hmmm!!! You've a great choice.. No wonder you're my younger brother 🌚

Mr. Kim: Shut up and do your work hyung.. Don't talk to much

(Getting shy hehehe)

Dr. Bogum sat on the corner of the bed and hold koo's hand to check the pulse.. But what he discovered is made him schocked

Dr. Bogum: WTF Kim? What are you did to him.. His whole body is burning like hell and he's unconscious..

Dr. Bogum said those words without even taking breath properly and look at Mr. Kim with an angry face

Mr. Kim: Why hyung?? Is it so se-erious??

His word is having a hard time to came out from his mouth

Dr. Bogum: Look Kim.. I know he's your boyfriend.. But you shouldn't go this much hard on him that could make him unconscious.. I'm just putting a saline.. If he didn't conscious within 30 minutes.. I think you need to admit him to the Hospital.. And please take a good care of him.. You're his boyfriend so you should take a good care instead of doing.............. Leave it.. I'm writing some medicine... And i need to go to hospital quickly.. There's an important surgery today

Mr. Kim: I'm sorry Hyung.. I didn't mean to.........

Dr. Bogum: Don't need to explain yourself.. I know you right?? You just like to destroy everyone and that is not my problem.. But this boy is literally look like a kid.. I'm pretty sure he's not grown up yet.. And more is he's your boyfriend.. So please take care of it okk.. I get to go now byeee

Dr. Bogum said and hurriedly come out from his room.. He need to go to Hospital today pretty early and he didn't have much time.. So it's better to be quick

Mr. Kim standing in front of his bed looking at the boy's pretty body.. He's deeply in thought..

Mr. Kim: Am i really go hard on him.. I mean it's normal right.. A virgin people never could face the proper sex.. I mean not on the first time.. And why do i care.. I buy him for my money.. It's better to use him just like my slut..

Mr. Kim thinking this while smirking

About 18 minutes later.. Koo could feel his breath.. His whole body is paining so much that he couldn't move.. He hissed in pain when he's trying to move.. His back is almost being apart..

Mr. Kim: Having a hard time

Koo badly flinched hearing deep yet scary voice.. He look at his right side but when he saw Mr. Kim sitting on the sofa.. He started shivering remember past night..

Koo: Mr. K-kim??

Mr. Kim: Yes baby.. Am i go really hard on you that you passed out hmm.. You know i'm really mad on you? I can't hear your pretty sweat moan.. Ughh how could you???

Mr. Kim said it revealing a deep ass pout look like he's really sulking with Koo

Koo: I'm s-sorry Mr. Kim.. I-i just ahhhhhhh

Koo tried to say something but his head is start to hurting...

Koo: W-water please

Mr. Kim handed him a glass but koo failed to hold it

Mr. Kim: Ughh such a pain in my ass..

Mr. Kim grabbed his right arm and help him to sat on the bed.. But when koo still unable to drank water by himself.. Mr. Koo grabbed a straw and mouthed it.. Koo take some sip and released his head to the headboard..

Koo: I'm sorry Mr. Kim i-------------

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