Chapter 37★

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"How is everything going, Ten?"

"Exactly like you ordered me Sir. I increase the dose today. Seems like it's working better."

Ten assumed from behind and Taehyung smirk. Eyes never left the monitor screen. Beside him Jungkook, Suga and Jimin standing. Their eyes are also shifting in front of the big screen.

Taehyung press the green button on the remote and the sound turned off.

"Let's have a seat Mr. Park."

They sat back to their position. Even though he turned off the sound but the camera is still on. Showing the terrified scene of Mr. Jeon and Robin.

Jungkook eyes are snapped open and wide while observing everything. And a precious smile formed on his lips. No one knows if this is the smile of happiness or cruel and filled with hatred.

"Are you sure you don't need Yoongi hyung as your assistant anymore?"

"Yes. I've thought a lot about this. You both already did enough for me. And moreover, now i know everything and very closer to all of you. I suggest him to go back to his work. His real work. I'll manage someone else for me."

Taehyung nodded and sip mouthful on his strawberry smoothie.

"Why are they acting weird?"

Jimin says with a lot of confusion seeing Mr. Jeon and Robin are screaming their heart out. As if something in front of them are very haunted and it's terrifying them. But there's nothing at front. That's all Jimin can saw on the monitor.

Taehyung chuckle. Eyeing Jungkook's blank expression once and place his hand down at the table. Taping his nail to answer.

"Well. It actually nothing in front of them. We drugged them. The speciality of this drug is it make fake thing look so realistic."

"I don't get it."

"When Ten inject the drug inside their body. They fainted. And after they woke up. Ten just played a little video clip and it goes inside their head like whatever they are watching is real. Not fake. And they'll start hallucinating about this. Thinking what they saw at the video clips is now happening right there. But they did not know it's a clip. You can trigger them not only with any clip but also saying or showing whatever you want."

"Oh my lord. It could be happen? For real? And what are they seeing in front of them?"

"Nothing much just me shooting in someone's eyes. That's all."

Jimin's mouth are wide open by what he heard. The world is updated so much but there's something very traumatic and questionable could happen for real! It's kind of give him a big shock.

Suga laughed and pat his back.

"You seems can not updated among with the world huhh?"

Ten left them alone for some moments but he again rushed inside in the middle of their conversation.

"Namjoon Sir has arrived."


Taehyung said and sighed.

"I was so afraid about this. Freaking 33 Billion dollars property. I can't lose it anyhow."

"If Hobi is leading the team. You don't need to afraid at all."

Suga said to Taehyung.

"Wait. What do you mean you were so afraid? You can talk to him on the phone. And beside, where is he?" Jimin says.

"He is in California. And using mobile phone or any electronic device during the mission is not allowed. Because the opponent could track our location. And it is dangerous. We can't leave any clue behind for the Police."

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