Chapter 7★

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3 months later..................!

Mr. Kim: Yeahh i'll think about it. I need to hang up now Mr. Choi. I'm pretty busy.

Mr. Kim cut the call and sat on the couch. Koo is inside the trial room. Mr. Kim & Koo goes well recently. The butterfly inside Mr. Kim's are literally thinking he's in kove with Koo as far as Koo. But the evil plan Koo make is out of Mr. Kim's thought. He might be the biggest mafia but it's time to surrender in front of Koo.

Mr. Kim: Aishh it's almost 15 minutes. How much time he need just to wore some cloths?

Mr. Kim mumble getting impatience. He & Koo is currently in the shopping mall. Koo is inside the trial room checking out some cloths while Mr. Kim get a phone call from on of his Business partner. For being a impatient person. He quickly hang up saying some blabberish to his partner. He is not in the mood to talk to someone. He just want to saw his Koo. He can't imagine how beautiful Koo look in this black n white maid frock.

Mr. Kim: Should i check on him?

Mr. Kim stand up from the couch and goes towards the trial room.

Mr. Kim: Koo babyboy! How much time would you take hmm? You make Daddy really impatient. Don't you think you deserve a very hard punishment tonight?

No response....

Mr. Kim: Why don't you response me Koo?

Mr. Kim knocking on the door. But he find himself dumbfounded when he saw that the door is not locked. He hurriedly pushed the door but found no one inside. His eyes go widen. He running out of the trial room and running here and there to check if Koo goes to take another clothes from the store. But he didn't find him anywhere. He bursted towards the girl manager who is in charge of the big Gucci store.

Mr. Kim: Hey, have you seen this boy getting out from the store?
T-the boy who is came with me.

Girl: Yes Sir. I just saw him a moments ago running away from there. But what happened Sir? Is there any prob-...

The girl even didn't finished her word before Mr. Kim punched the table and getting out from there.

The girl almost chocking on the air. How rude is rich people can be?

Mr. Kim sitting inside his car. He dialed Hobi's number after start the engine. He's eyes getting red and teary due to the anger he hold. If someone came in front of his car. He don't think twice before smashed him under his car.

Hobi: Hey Kim what happened? Aren't you in the mall with Koo? Hehe do you need advice from your hyung right? I know you aren't good in those love relationship huhh? Okk just tell hyung how can he help you?

Mr. Kim: He ran away

Hobi: What? Who ran away?

Mr. Kim: Koo. He, he escaped hyung. He successfully do it making me dumbest.

Hobi: Are you in your sense Kim. How can he ran away when you're the one who goes with him?

Mr. Kim: I'm telling you Hyung he did it. Find him. I need him and i don't give a fuck that how can you find him. If you can't then i'll burn everything up.

Mr. Kim screaming on the phone and cut the call. He again punched the steer due to the anger.

Hobi running towards his laptop. While he opening it. He call every member of his gang. Send them to find Koo. Suga and hobi trying hard to get any information wherever he is but unable to find it.

A minutes later. Car horn could be hearing outside of the mansion. Before they stand from their place. The door got opened with a loud sound. Hobi and suga widened their eyes seeing Kim's condition. His right hand is dangerously wounded and god knows how much blood drained out from there.

Somewhere in Busan........!

Koo: Hey is this Jimin Hyung's office?

Manager: Yes, it is. But who are you Mr.?

Koo: I'm his brother. Can i meet him?

Manager: Do you have any appointment?

Koo: Why do i need appointment to meet my brother?

Manager: I'm sorry Mr. but as long as you don't have any appointment. I can't let you to meet him.

Koo: But noona he's my brother. Okk but atleast can you just told him that someone named Koo is came to meet him?

Manager: Let me give a try.

A moments later...

Manager: He's in the middle of the meeting Sir. I can't talk to him. Can you please seat here? I'll call him again after the meeting end.

Koo sitting in the big couch. Biting his own lips due to nervousness. It's already evening. He's afraid to get caught by Mr. Kim's man. What if they find out. What if they come and caught him. He don't want it.

He's coming out of his thought when he saw a familiar figure. He stand up from the couch and running towards the figure.

Koo: Jiminiee hyungggg...

Jimin and Yumi trying their best to find Koo. But they failed. Tension build up inside Jimin being not able to find him anywhere nor getting any information.

As usual. From a very tiring work day. He's just came out from the elevator and goes toward his car. As fast as he can go home. He'll be very relaxed. But in the middle of his thought he hear the sound. This familiar voice. His eyes sparkled and he look his back and seeing those person whom he search for all 4 months.

Koo almost jumped on him. Crying his heart out.

Jimin: Where have you been Koo? You know how much i searching for you? Everywhere. I find everywhere that you can go but i didn't find you?

Koo: I'll tell you everything hyung. But first take me with you. In your home. Please hyung. I don't want them to find me again.

Jimin: Them? Who are you talking about?

Koo: I'll tell you later.

Jimin: Ok come with me.

Both jimin and Koo goes inside their car and.................

(I'm sorry for being so late. The academic pressure literally fucked me up. I'll post as soon as possible)

And check out my new story 'BESTFRIEND'. And if you like this story. Let me know so i can post chapter 2.

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