Chapter 17★

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Jimin: You are 3 minutes late Mr. Min! That's not what i expect from my assistant on his first day.

Jimin said in a mocking tone standing in front of his older aged assistant who is breathing heavily.

Yoongi: 3 minutes is not countable Mr. Park. You are being unreasonable.

Jimin: Oh it's not countable? So tell me Mr. Min. Have you ever catch your breath for straight 3 minutes? Do you have any idea how much time is important for us?

Yoongi look at him with done face. Dude. He's just 3 minutes late not 3 hours. Jimin is being picky now.

Jimin: And what are you waiting for? You do owe me a apology.

Yoongi: Apology?

Yoongi is uttered shocked.

Yoongi: For what?

Jimin: For being late.

Yoongi: Come on Mr. Park. It's only 3 minutes.

Jimin: Oh so you want to lose your job on your first day at work?

Jimin raised his eyebrows. Yoongi on other hand became super angry. Oh how much he want to punch on his face until he die. But for his bad, he can't do that. So not want to make a scene. He apologized.

Yoongi: I'm sorry Mr. Park. But it's not my fault at all. The GPS system on the taxi has made some problem. It's all driver's fault to make me late.

Jimin: That's not my problem at all.

Jimin said and go back to his chair. Yoongi still standing on the door way.

Jimin: Why are you standing there. Come. Have a seat.

Yoongi sat in front of Jimin. On the opposite side of the table.

Jimin: As Mr. Kim said. You have never been assistant on any of whatever your work is right?

Yoongi: Yes!

He simply replied.

Jimin: So you also have no idea about this work. That's the problem. I urgently need an assistant. Opps sorry. I also found an assistant who don't know how to be assistant for my bad luck.

Jimin said in a professional tone and chuckled. Yoongi is annoyed seeing Jimin being fake professionalist. It's clearly shown that he's just playing with him. As a picky person as always.

Jimin: Nevermind. I have someone to teach you all your work. But the only things i'm telling you urgently is go and bring coffee for me.

Yoongi stood up from his place and about to leave the room when Jimin said from behind.

Jimin: I still didn’t tell you what kind of coffee i drank and you're running? I don’t like this types of person who is always tried to hurry in every possible way?

Yoongi is about to lose his mind. He is high patience person but Jimin has been picking him from the yesterday and now it's about to out of his hand to hold him back.

The only assistant work he has been professional is punching on someone's face that he's always done.

Yoongi: My bad Mr. Park. Forgive me and tell me what you like.

He said in a annoyed tone. Jimin smiled inside seeing Yoongi is losing his patience slowly.

Jimin: I like extra-iced white mocha, with non-fat milk, no syrup and no whipped cream.

Yoongi: The hell you are saying. Is it coffee or something chemical you just gibbered from periodic table?

Jimin: Watch your mouth Mr. Min. Bring what i told you to.

Yoongi took out a mini notebook from his pocket and grabbed a pen from the table.

Yoongi: Can you say it again?

Jimin: No. I don’t like to repeat twice. Learn how to work Mr. Min. You even didn’t memorized what coffee i drink. How do you do your other work i don't get it.

Yoongi: Fine fine. I'm bringing whatever you asked for.

Yoongi leaved the room angrily. Jimin bursted into laughing that he have been holding all this time.

Jimin: Ohh my gosh. He looks so funny i can't.

Jimin knows that he's not professional on this profession.  If it's not Mr. Kim requested. He wouldn’t bring him but he had no choice. But it's seems fun to work with him. He's easily entertained.

(Ok. About the coffee. I got this idea from "A Boss and a Babe" series. If you guys watched it. You'd probably know how funny the scene is. And as i got the idea from it. I honorably gave the credit to the Series.)

Yoongi obviously failed to memorize the large name. So he asked barista that what coffee Mr. Park usually drink. And the barista understood the situation. He knows everyone confused at the first time they heard the name of this coffee.

Yoongi brought the coffee to the Jimin's cabin. Jimin took a sip from the tumbler and nod his head.

Jimin: Great job Mr. Min. I'm impressed.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. Jimin call someone and a minute later someone knocked on the door. Jimin give permission and a middle aged lady entered to the cabin.

Jimin: This is Ms. Taemy. And Ms. Taemy? This is Min Yoongi. My new assistant. Please show him his cabin and told him about his work.

Yoongi bowed to Taemy. Took a last glance. He leave Jimin's cabin with Ms. Taemy.

Hello everyone. This chapter is only dedicated to YoonMin. I know it's short and i didn’t add any TaeKook. So please don't be mad. The next chapter will be long and mostly TaeKook.

And my exam routine has been changed. I got a day off after every exam that's mean i can upload story almost daily.

Thanks for voting the story. Love you all. 💓

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