Chapter 16★

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Jimin and Yoongi reached busan after 5 hours later.

As Yoongi have no one in Busan so Jimin decided to let him stay on his house.

Jimin: Here's your room Mr. Min. Let's go to work from tomorrow.

Yoongi nooded but didn’t say anything.

Jimin: And please try to speak more. Your job doesn’t suit with your attitude.

Yoongi want to reply something spicy but control himself because he's now Jimin's assistant and overall Mr. Kim told him to behave so he must.

Yoongi: Yes.

Jimin: Go and get fresh. I'll serving you later.

Yoongi: Why would you? I mean it's a big mansion. Don't you have any maid?

Jimin: Nah, i live alone moreover i spend most of my time at the outside. So i didn’t hire anyone.

Yoongi smirked after finally get a chance of being badass.

Yoongi: But Mr. Park it's look like you don’t want to spend money. Are you being stingy?

Jimin smile hearing that. It's totally like what he expect. This man is look like a whole badass.

Jimin: Nahh Mr. Min. I'm not being stingy. I just don't found anyone to wipe your butthole. So wipe it by yourselves.

He said and walk away leaving Yoongi alone at the living room. Yoongi tightened his grip. He want to punch him on the face but he have nothing to do except throwing some f word.

Yoongi: You're so damn obsessed with my butthole. Let's wait until i ruin yours mufucker.

He also leave to his room which is beside Jimin's one.


About very good minutes later. Someone knocked on his door. He just came out from shower. Only a towel losely hanging around his hips.

He knows who is it and smirked plustered on his face. He opened the door without hesitation revealing Jimin.

Jimin is quick fastly done taking bath that he normally didn’t do. This cat eyed man is never waste a chance to mouthing him anything so it's better to make something for dinner before he complaint. God who is who's assistant now?

He just come to call him for dinner. But didn’t expect to see the most heavenly heaven scene. This fucking Min Yoongi is actually more hot than he thought. His wet silver hair is dripping water from it. His stone like abs and this two hard bone around his lower abdomen to his manhood. Though it's not visible fully but Jimin could feel his drool drooling just by seeing it.

Yoongi: Enjoy what you seeing?

He spoke and Jimin come back to his sense. He didn’t realize that how long he's stare at his heaven and it leave him shy after getting caught.

Jimin: I prepared dinner. Come before it’s getting cold.

He said and leave the place hurriedly. Almost running to the downstairs. Yoongi chuckled and shook his head before closing the door again to dress up.

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