Part 12

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A/N: to begin with im starting to feel like I'm dragging each day out but don't worry it won't be like this for the whole book, cause I will off myself if I do. :)


I wake to see the sun slowly creeping in through the window beside me, I turn to look at the clock that is beside me and the time reads "06:20"

Ok so it's early but I'm awake and I'm not going to sleep now, so I decide to get up.

I get out of bed and let my bare feet touch the cold surface beneath me, I stand up and slowly walk over to the bathroom. I don't fall.

When I'm in the bathroom I shut the door and lock it, I remove each piece of clothing I have on and turn the shower on, I set the temperature for around 36 degrees Celsius, it's not as hot as I normally have it but I don't really care.

I get in the shower and let the water soak my body, i get my hair soaked and then apply 2 shampoo and 1 conditioner to my hair.

After a while the whole bathroom is foggy and steamy so I turn off the shower and step out, the cold air surges through me making me shiver.

I wrap a black fluffy towel around me to warm myself up.

I step over to the sink and do my teeth and skincare, after doing all that I unlock the door and go to my wardrobe

I grab our blue skinny jeans, a white and green jumper, and white converses.

I grab our blue skinny jeans, a white and green jumper, and white converses

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A/N this is the outfit.

I apply some light makeup which consists of moisturiser, mascara, lip gloss, concealer and doing my eyebrows.

I brush my hair out and towel dry it so it's damp, I brush it again so it's straight.

I go over to my phone and the time is "6:50" so it's a perfect time to wake up my dear brother.

I grab my wand and stick it in the waistband of my jeans, I leave my dorm making sure to shut the door quietly.

I walk out it if the girl's dormitory's and walk over to the boys, I run down the corridor to my brothers dorm so I eventually reach it.

I go close to the door and whisper "Alohomora" and the door opens, I reach the for the doorknob and slowly open the door making sure to not wake Theo or Jake up.

I walk in and quietly shut the door making sure it doesn't slam and wake them, I creep past Theo's bed and walk to Jakes bed, I go to the side of the bed before jumping on the bed to wake him up.

"Get up" I shout in his ear.

He groans "what are you doing in here"

"I got bored and I'm able to walk today so I want to explore the school" I say

He sits up and turns to look at Theo I do the same to see he hasn't moved a muscle.

"Can I wake him up?" I ask

"Your not going to take no as an answer anyway are you?"

"What of course I will" I say sarcastically

He gives me a nod which means yes

I creep over to Theo's bed before screaming in his ear,

"Get up lazy"

I then proceed to jump onto him and he groans before smacking me with a pillow

"Hey what's that for" I ask

"That's for waking me up asshole" he says while putting a pillow on his face

I gasp as if I'm offended but start laughing

I sit on Jakes bed and talk to him until he goes into the shower, I then lay in his bed cuddled in his blankets.

When Jake gets out of the shower changed Theo gets up and grabs his clothes then heads into the bathroom.

"I'm going to take my meds and wake up molly then i will meet you in the common room"

"K I'll see you in a bit" he says before I shut the door.

I walk down the corridor getting looks from the boys who are walking out of their dorms.

I get into the stairwell and run down the girls corridor knocking on every dorm as I pass them.

I hear the doors opening so I quickly rush into my dorm out of breath, Molly is at her desk doing her hair.

"What's all that about" she asks looking at me through the mirror

"I knocked on all the doors when running past and everyone was opening the doors, I also need to take my meds" I say grabbing the bottle.

"Ok but like where did you go?" She asks getting up from her desk and sitting on her bed

"Oh I went to Theo and Jakes dorm to wake my brother up" I say after swallowing the medicine.

We make our way to the common room and sit on the couches, Theo is sitting on the love seat, Jake is sitting on the couches with Draco, Enzo and Theodore are sitting on the other couch, Molly sits in the single chair. Leaving the only place for me to sit is beside Theo.

I make my way to Theo and sit down next to him, I notice a smirk on Mollys face but brush it off.

"Thanks for waking me up" he says in my ear

"Your welcome it was actually very fun" I say back to him.

I let out a giggle and quickly compose myself.

Everyone talks for 20 minutes and I just sit there looking at the fire, the way the flames dance off of each other and the greens blend together is mesmerising.

I zone back in when someone taps me on my shoulder

"Nova, how are you?"

"Im good, the girls in my dorm are nice and the bed is very comfortable" she says all happy and chirpy

"So are you heading down for breakfast?" I ask

"Yeah me and Ethan are waiting for our older brother Jace to come and meet us and then we are going" she says

"Would you mind if I go down for breakfast with you?" I ask

"No I don't mind at all, it would be nice to get to know you better" she says with a smile

"Same" I say returning the smile

"Guys I'm going to have breakfast with Nova today is that ok" I ask

"Yeah that's fine" my brother replies

With that I stand up and wait with Nova and Ethan for their brother.


1106 words

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