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chapter oo5.

If she would say it for herself, Rory had the perfect concentration on anything. Sometimes a little to much. Magnolia had to pull her out of her thoughts to many times, so much that she had almost given up a few times. The last time Rory had been focused on something so much, Tillie's arm started hurt from waving it in front of her face to long.

But today was different.

It really didn't help that Remus was tapping his quill on the library table behind her, while she was still trying to find the right words to put on paper. Magnolia and Tillie were going to join them, but Rory hadn't caught sight of them yet, what also clouded her mind full of anxiety.

Of course she was worried about them, they would be hurt or anything, but the anxiety was more from not having anyone familiar around her. Remus Lupin and Rory Byrne weren't two people to interact with each other, just because neither of the two wanted to start the conversation.

They were rivals in class, always wanting to be the first to answer the question and get it right. Outside of class, they were so awkward and neither of them seemed to know how to get out of the situation.

Remus asking Rory to work on the assignment together was so painful to watch, Magnolia had to walk away and hide her face in her hands while turned faced to the wall. Two seemed as if they had never talked before in their life, Magnolia couldn't bare to look their way.

The only thing Rory could currently think about was Magnolia and Tillie, and as if it was their que, way to late, Magnolia appeared in the library, her arms linked with Tillie. Remus' head shot up, and then looked directly at Rory who shrugged her shoulders.

"I asked if they needed to study as well." She didn't ask if it was alright with him, she didn't need his approval.

"Okay, that's fine." Remus mumbled and greeted the two girls with a grin on his face. He heard Rory huff and looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

"I didn't ask if it was alright, it was going to happen anyway." The sudden urge to be irritated with him, came out more rude than she expected. It made it awkward again, because Magnolia raised her eyebrows at the two, as they both looked incredibly annoyed with one another.

"Alright. . I see that you guys really do need us to save you." Magnolia whispered, reminding herself that she was in the library now and not in the hallway were she tried to convince Tillie to come in the library with her for the last twenty minutes.

Tillie had given in, eventually.

Rubbing her back for comfort, Magnolia stood next to where Rory was sitting, while Tillie decided to sit next to Remus because it was the only empty spot left. Magnolia could sense the lack of concentration from Rory, and crouched down next to her, looking directly in her eyes.

"You know that if it doesn't work to concentrate, it doesn't work. There is nothing wrong with that." Magnolia's eyes softened and Rory shrugged her shoulders instead of giving a direct answer.

"I just don't want him to think I don't get the subject. Because, I do." Rory mumbled back eventually, glancing at Tillie and Remus behind her before looking back at Magnolia.

"I know you do." Magnolia reassured her. "And it doesn't even matter what he thinks, you are the smartest person I know. Don't let Tillie hear that." A small smile played itself on Rory's lips and she closed her textbook slowly.

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