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chapter oo3. 

Sirius found himself staring at the ceiling, he felt odd. After his interaction with Magnolia earlier this week James had made a promise to himself that he wouldn't let Sirius forget about it, by constantly brining it up and joking of how his face looked when he was completely speechless by the sight of her.


Magnolia hadn't let Sirius' mind since the moment he had seen on her the platform when they left for this very school year. And while he had never really talked to her, maybe attempted to flirt with her once or twice, she seemed incredibly uninterested in him. It made Sirius way more intrigued.

And while he almost got to the level James Potter was at, Sirius really didn't know what was wrong with himself.

"I think we should befriend her." James' voice came from the doorway leading to their Gryffindor dorm, making Sirius look at him. His eyebrows knitted together, he leaned on his elbows while he completely turned to James. "Who?"

"I'm talking about Magnolia, you twat!" James hit Sirius against his shoulder, playfully with a bright grin on his face. "Guess who I saw her talking to today?"

"I don't know, the Giant Squid?" Tiredly Sirius mumbled the words from his mouth and blinked his eyes a few times hoping to get the tiredness out of his eyes.

"No! Lily of course!"

With a groan Sirius fell back on his bed and placed his hands over his face. After all the years James Potter spend running after Lily Evans with the intention to date her, he still hadn't succeeded. James Potter could literally get anyone if he wanted to, but there was no one like Lily to him.

Sirius really couldn't handle another obsessive conversation about Lily, definitely not in the early morning like today.

"And we need to befriend her for what?" Sirius mumbled and sat up on the edge of his bed, pulling a shirt over his head, ruffling his hair and then looking back at an excited James. "Do you really think that if we befriend her that suddenly Lily would finally look at you? Because I have a very strong feeling that that won't happen,"

"You know you are horrible in the morning Padfoot." James grumbled and threw one of his pillows right at his face, but didn't get a response back. Sirius had fallen back onto the bed, his eyes closing again. "Sorry, what?"

"Why do you think that,? About it not working?" James asked and pulled Sirius from his bed.

"Because it has never worked before. Moony and Evans are friends, but you still aren't an inch closer to being able to have a normal conversation with her, without annoying her first." Grabbing James' hand before he was be able to hit him, once again, Sirius pushed him against the wall and walked down the stairs.

"Just as I said, you are horrible in the morning!"

"You just know I am right!"

.. ♰ .. 

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