Chapter 19: A Little Pig

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I tiredly open my eyes and a familiar scent makes me smile instantly. My head hurts and I'm a little nauseous but other than that I'm really warm, and I feel safe, it's nice.

"As your captain that's an order!" I hear a familiar voice shouts, but it just hurts my ears, so I cover them a bury my head in whatever warm thing is in front of me.

"But shouldn't you be the one to go and look for him Captain?" Another familiar voice asks.

"I'm still so sleepy." A feminine familiar voice mutters. Something on my back is moving and I hear a very close annoyed sounding huff.

"No way, Diane's all snuggled up and asleep on my Chastiefol!" That's King's voice, isn't it?

"Hey, I think I've got it! Okay! Whoever's the first to capture Hawk can ask me to do anything they want for a whole day!" That's Meliodas for sure... Wait, anything for a whole day? I sit up quickly looking over to him.

"Really!?" I instantly blurt out.

"Hey, not you too." Someone mutters from beside me.

"Huh...?" I look down to see Helbram... HELBRAM!? I feel my face instantly light up red. "Wha-" He sits up and covers my mouth.

"I have a headache, please don't be loud." He mutters, I nod my head.

"What? Sounds good I'll do it!" Diane shouts.

"Ow..." Helbram side eyes her.

"Huh!? Then count me in too!" King shouts, which earns another side eye from Helbram.

"I'll participate as well!" Gil shouts, Helbram just huffs and covers his ears. I giggle slightly.

"Wait, Gilthunder are you sure you're well enough?" That girl, I still haven't figured out who she is yet.

"After purging my stomach, I feel fine now. You'll be joining the search too, won't you?" Gil asks her. I put my hand on Helbram forehead and heal him.

"Thank you..." Helbram mumbles. I smile at him and nod.

"I'll be joining in as well!" I shout smiling.

"Then it's settled! Let's go! Time for operation Snag Piglet!" Meliodas shouts.

"Yay!" A collective shout from the group.

"These humans are too loud." Helbram sighs.

"Are you going to join too Helbram?" King asks.

"Hm? Why would I care about some silly pig?" Helbram responds.

"Alright, I'll see you later then!" I say getting up.

"Ugh." Helbram huffs before joining me.

"So, uh Har- King, what are we looking for?" I asks, King turns his head confused.

"Oh! That's right! You never meet him." King responds, I nod.

"Just look for a tiny talking pig, okay?" Diane says.

"His name is Hawk!" The girl says. "Also, I don't believe we've met, have we?" I shake my head. "My name is Elizebeth, I'm the third princess of Liones. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She has a very sweet smile.

"Oh, my name is Y/n, it's nice to meet you too!"

Me and Helbram are floating around looking for Hawk.

"So, why are you doing this?" Helbram asks.

"I just have a few questions for him, and I'd like to train with him." I answer.

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