Chapter 5: Not Even Half

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Tati stared at her bank account as she left work. Waiting for when her funds would adjust and say she'd been given what she was owed.

She turned her phone off to get in her car.
Once it was started, she looked back at it and turned it on to go through her account again.

She smiled when she saw the amount. Plus the money she hadn't spent from the last check.

Quickly she drove out of her parking spot and headed to an atm.

All of the banks were closed at the time which was unfortunate. But she was sure she'd find a 24 hour atm somewhere.

She wondered why the landlord for the restaurant even came all the way to the house anyway. Couldn't they have set up a meeting at the restaurant? Maybe sent an email or handled it over the phone? What did he need to come all the way over to their home for like some kind of thug?

She pulled into a bank parking lot that was closed but still had on the lights at the atm.

She pulled up to it that way she didn't have to get out. It was too dark outside for her to think that was a good idea.

She began entering her pin and grabbed her debit card to make use. Preparing to press the 'Withdrawal' option.

Tati had been working jobs since she was a freshman in high school. After her mom and dad divorced, the money she and her mom had went downhill and she hated watching her mom suffer for cash. Since she spent all of the restaurant's money on paying the lease. Tati worked enough that she barely had time for school. Doing only enough to pass with a C so she didn't fail, but not doing anything extraordinary because she had to go to work soon. Back then it was only to help with the house. The restaurant brought in a lot of money but not enough to pay two leases at once.
Soon the economy crashed.
Then business was in the drain. They had to move once the house she, her mother, and father lived in could no longer be afforded by just her and her mother. They moved to a rented property but still business at the restaurant was slow while they had to remain paying the rent for the suite. And Denise refused to sell the restaurant or close it down, Tati agreed she didn't want the restaurant closed either. It didn't only have her mother's memories, it had hers too. And she knew that at some point they'd get on their feet and it would all be worth it.

Tati's father's salary was the only reason Denise stayed married to him for so long. But one day it grew to be too much when she was no longer the only target. It made their lives simultaneously harder and easier. But if given the opportunity, Denise wouldn't change her mind after what happened. She'd divorce him all over again.

Tati grabbed the cash out of the atm then drove off. She shoved it into her armrest.


Denise walked to the front desk of the casino again and gave her playing card.

"Done for the day?" he asked.
"Yes. Cash please."
"Not a problem."
He walked to the back of the store like usual to get everything situated.

Denise stood there tapping her fingers as she waited. Today she'd made $900 before she lost twice and ended up with $890. She stopped herself from playing again.

She realized the game would let you win a few times and then start to make you lose so you'd lose your money. You had to know when to quit or else you'd lose everything you earned plus whatever you came here with.

The guy came back and slid the envelope of cash to her. "There you go, have a good night." he stated.
"Thank you, you too." She hurried off, hoping to make it home before Tati.

But when she got to her car she decided to just count the cash there.

She opened the envelope and started going through the bills.


She smiled and squealed in joy before sliding the money back into the envelope. She put it away then started her car to head home.

She figured they had to be close to $3,000. Maybe if she could at least get to half, then the big man that came to the house would give her just one more week to make the other half. She'd strive for more than half but she'd hope she could at least get that much.

At the restaurant she'd made $600 because there was a business luncheon in the midst of the regular business. Which was hard to handle on her own but she made do. Tati thought about working for the restaurant but it wouldn't work since it would just take money away with her mom having to pay an employee and the business would still be the same. So for now, until the debt was paid off, Denise worked alone in the small restaurant. But if it ever got too busy, Tati and sometimes even Loren went to help for free.

It was why Tati was the one to usually cook dinner at home if they didn't get fast food. Because her mother's hands were commonly sore after the hours of labor.

Denise arrived at home and put the envelope of money into her jacket. She could see that she hadn't beaten Tati to the house.

Once she opened the door she smelled there was food cooking.

"Oh my god, I'm glad you're here!" Tati yelled and rushed out of the kitchen.
Denise wondered what her daughter was going to get while she closed the door.

Tati hurried back and Denise saw the stack of cash in her hand. She grew wide eyed.
"My paycheck hit. I went to the atm." Tati smiled. "That should be enough right? For this month?"
Denise looked at the money Tati held out to her. She took it.
"Y-Yea...Yea, this is enough." Denise replied.
"Perfect! Oh my god I got so excited that I came home and immediately started cooking. I know you've been smelling food all day but are you hungry?"

Denise stared at the stack of cash...remembering that it wasn't even half of what she owed.
Not even a quarter.

She sniffed and tried to keep her tears back.

"Mom?" Tati called. "What's wrong?"
"Um..." Denise tried to dry her eyes. "I'm just so happy." she lied. "I'm grateful I have a daughter like you."
"Us against the world, mama." Tati smiled and turned her head back to the stove. "I'll fix your plate for you." she stated.
Denise looked back at the money then turned to go to her room and slide everything under her bed.

Over $4,000.
But now she wouldn't have her daughter's help anymore. It was completely on her. And she hoped she could make it work.

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