Chapter IV

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   Eric's eyes widen at me, widen at my audacity really, and they move to where the double doors are

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   Eric's eyes widen at me, widen at my audacity really, and they move to where the double doors are. He immediately greets whoever has entered.
"Grimsby, hello, please" Eric says, and gestures for him to comfortably step deeper into the wing.
"Sire, the girl, she is not..." Grimsby's words trail off as he notices me standing short, next to Eric.

    My mind revises Grimsby's words carefully. Sire.
Eric is linked to a royal title. If too young to be king, he must be prince, prince of this Island. The Island I am yet very foreign to.

    Though I am yet to fully trust Eric, my gaze at him reshapes, for I now see him a little less of an abductor and more of subtle persona.

    "She is right here Grimsby, Azure, she has been in my wing in this recent time" He looks at me and smiles.
The way Eric says my name so softly, I wonder how my real name would sound coming from him. I begin to stare at Eric.

"Ah, I see" Grimsby nods and he rethinks Eric's statement as his eyes shift from me to Eric. Fearing that he might have intruded on something, Grimsby was quick to apologize.

    The atmosphere in this room feels surreal, I want to leave, and not just this wing, but the entire Island.

    "Prove it, prove that I am not abducted." I command Eric once again, Ignoring the gray-haired man.
In that instant, my potency managed to slip the velvet blanket down my shoulder. Eric's eyes mindlessly trailed slowly to my exposed shoulder, back to my eyes, to the carpet, and back at Grimsby. Eric cleared his throat.

    Eric's nonchalant eyes meet mine, and remain there as he begins to speak. He begins to command Grimsby.
"Grimsby, as soon as the sun rises, Azure shall have durable and elegant clothing, for she will commence her escape from the Palace." His eyebrows cock up in amusement "Prepare the carriage in case she requires it" he pauses "And prepare her room in case she decides to stay..."

Once again, I am left with a paralyzed tongue. My preoccupied state.
In the moment Eric gave his command, he displayed so much leadership and chivalry. I find myself drawn and very respectful to those traits.

"Of course sire" Grimsby bows
Oh right, Grimsby is still here.
I finally break away from Eric's trance, to look at Grimsby in recognition.

I would very much like to go back to the room across from this one. My room, supposedly.

    "I trust I shall bid you a goodnight" I retract from my place next to Eric towards the double doors. Though I do not want to, I must thank Eric.
"Thank you.."

    "Good night...Azure" Eric faintly answers me.

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    Back to my room, I remain far from the bed

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    Back to my room, I remain far from the bed. Though tired and aching, rather, I sit facing the vanity table. The vanity table is very different from my wing back at the castle. The actual table is made of an oyster marble with shells impressed into it. Very creative and very different from my actual bamboo vanity.

This is my drive for adventure. everything is different in different places therefore I strive to see it all.

    I look at my reflection through the mirror. I do not see myself clearly from the darkness of this room. Nonetheless, the moonlight does help in discerning my facial structure.
I begin to see myself through my memory, and my brown eyes look back at me.

    It was always a mystery how I never got my father's sapphire blue eyes.  Instead, I got my mother's brown ones. I smile to myself. I will always have a piece of my mother with me.
During my mother's pregnancy, everyone had thought the child she was to deliver would have the king's eyes. The king had the royal painter work on many paintings of a baby with blue eyes. These paintings were a celebration and indication that were to be sent out to all neighboring Islands. This would promote concession and praise. To neighboring Islands, I am thought to have sapphires for eyes. A false tale.

    I stand from the vanity, and I look at the view of the room during the night for one last time, Just as I did with Eric for one last time, before my early departure out of this palace tomorrow morning

Lost and found by the sea...A prince Eric storyWhere stories live. Discover now