Shade#312 (S15): Rancorous reflections

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I am very glad that I am actually getting to meet you after all this time. If anything, it means that my grandson didn't screw things up.


No, he's been on his game. What is this place?


This place is known as the Shadowlands, dark magic, and negative emotions are native to these lands however its true forthcoming is as mysterious as it is. Through a series of events, I became trapped here my soul tethered to this place. The being known as Silt seeks to fortify and formulate himself and wreak havoc in the world parallel to this one. As a safeguard, I often cull shadows that seem as though they are becoming too aware.


It's really incredible. Does the sky always look like this?


Most days, although it's hard to distinguish without a clock.


Have you ever tried escaping?


Many times. However, it would seem that fate has bonded me to this place. I've spoken with some of the most renowned sorcerers and magic practitioners alike.


It really does suck but the fact of the matter is if he wasn't here, Silt probably would have gotten free a long time ago.


When the whole sky went dark, that was Silt?


Yeah. We almost didn't beat him either.


Can you make the sky go dark?


hmm, I dunno. I bet there's some precedence for it.


The power needed to perform such a feat is out of your ability. Your body wouldn't be able to handle the stress.


Hmm, I guess not. It would be pretty cool though.


While we're on the subject, I have a feeling that you weren't just attempting to drop by and give me some good news.


Seeing as how desperate times call for desperate measures, this was more of a regrouping type of deal. We're fighting a girl who uses glass, blood magic, and reflections.


She's unhinged. She's killed at least six people and attacked another four. She attacked Dray at school trying to get to me no doubt.


Yeah, that is quite the predicament. Getting her in the dark should eliminate her usage of reflections.


That's a good point that Dray brought up. However, we'd have to find her first and she could be anywhere meaning she'd dictate the terms.

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