Chapter 7: "Whispering Amongst You"

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(Suki's pov:)

Today was another school day. I didn't wanna go but Mom had to ruin it. Kioto and Akane somehow started protecting me more and kept asking me if I was okay.

I was fine by myself. I didn't need their help nor did I want it. But they seemed so persistent to defend me. They were the popular kids amongst their class and every girl adored them.

I only knew one person in my class. It was Sakaru, who was Auntie Ena's child. She was almost polar opposite of me but we were great friends even though she is my cousin.

But I still kept wondering why Kioto and Akane were so protective of me, I had no idea why.

"Suki! Do you wanna draw with me?" Sakaru asked me. We both sat beside each other in class, next to Itsuki.

I hesitated, Auntie always let me draw prompts for her. I was more into sketching than painting like her.

"Sure! Should we invite Itsuki to join us too?" I say.

"I don't think it's a good idea plus, it's already fun with just us." She told me.

"Alright then, let's go!"I say excitedly.

Me and Sakaru went to go draw together like what regular best friends and cousins would do. Give each other random prompts to draw and laugh the whole time.

I felt someone drag me away from my drawing and Sakaru. Realizing that it was Yuri who pulled me away, she looked me in the eyes.

"Suki! I want you to play with me!" She smiled.

"But.. I was drawing with Sakaru.." I disappointedly say.

"I don't care! You're going to play with me or else I'll tell on you."

"No! I don't want to play with you! Leave me alone, Yuri!" I shout at her. She looked upset as I walk back to where Sakaru is.

"What happened over there, Suki? Did Yuri do something?" Sakaru asked me, I frowned at the mention of her name.

"She tried to force me to play something with her and I told her that I didn't want to. So I walked off." I sighed, Sakaru gave me a hug.

We both continued drawing and chatting. I really liked being next to Sakaru because she would always find silly ways to cheer me up.

I looked over to Sakaru and her expression changed. From a look of enjoyment to one of fear.

"Suki! Watch out?!" She yelled but I didn't react fast enough. Soon enough I realized Yuri pushed me into the drawing easel, leaving me on the floor with my drawing in shreds and the easel damaged.

Yuri and her friends were laughing at me, calling me names because I started crying and Sakaru was trying to defend me and also comfort me.

"Yuri?! Why would you do that?!" Sakaru said angrily.

"Because why not? It's funny seeing the stupid ginger cry." Yuri said, smiling.

"Take your words back right now!" Sakaru said, getting more upset.



"Saku.. where's my brothers..?" I say, still crying. Yuri kept calling me mean names.

"Miss! Can we leave the room? Suki is hurt and we are going to go get her help." Sakaru called out to the teacher.

"Who did this." The teacher asked us, Yuri already left us alone.

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