Pilot Part 1

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"Okay, so if my math is right, and it is, we can siphon 700 kilowatts a month through the fall before anyone even notices," Sylvester calculated glancing to the side, only to notice Happy tinkering with the electrical wiring on the ceiling. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing? Over 30,000 shock-related accidents happen every year!"

Happy looked over and scoffed. "Please. I've got this. See? Power's up." The power turned back on after sparking in Happy's face a few times.

Alexa, who was standing next to Sylester's chalk board, slowly began invading his personal space as she moved to whisper in his ear, knowing it make Sly slightly uncomfortable. "Never underestimate a woman Sly." He gulps as Alexa slowly backs off, standing next to the chalk board as if nothing happened.

Walter then came storming in to the garage, "Wait a second, why are you stealing electricity?"

"Just borrowing it until they turn our power back on," Happy responded as she climbed down the ladder.

"I thought we were paying the bills after the Credit National job?" Walter implored, placing his briefcase down. He faced Sylvester for the answer to his question.

"I was. I worked for three days on this great loss algorithm for credit risk-"

Walter cut Sylvester off. "And you got lost in the numbers and you forgot to pay the electric bill."

Happy interjects, "And the water bill and our rent, and the payment was all in cash, which got misplaced."

"It's somewhere... close" Sylvester starts.

Walter interrupted, "When's the last time you ate?"

"Your mean, like, food?" He asks.

Walter holds up and apple tosses it up towards Sylvester, however Alexa takes a step left and catches the apple instead, "Yes, Like food". She gives the apple to Sly and sashayed towards the door and out of the garage leaving the others to finish their conversation.


Alexa was leaning against the wall outside the garage. She was wearing a tight red dress that hugged her curves and made people stop and stare, a staple for her. She didn't mind the attention, in fact she quite enjoyed it.  Alexa knows she's beautiful, and she loved using her profound beauty to her advantage.

Not long after she made her way outside, she noticed the screeching of car tires a few blocks away. Looking up she notices Toby running towards her in a panic, making random, wild gestures with his arms.

Alexa sighs and slowly pushes herself off the wall and opens the garage door just before Toby can burst through and injure someone. Again.

"Shh! Keep your voices down! Just for a minute!" Toby hissed as he rushed into the garage. Alexa slowly closed the door behind her and made her way over to the rest of her team. Her heels being the loudest sound in the room.

"Uh, Toby, please tell me you have the Lynwood payment," Walter asks, clearly agitated by the interruption.

"First, I would like to note how I nearly tripled the Lynwood payment," Toby put forth in a rush.

"So those thugs are chasing you down to give you a big congratulations?" Happy questioned as she peaked through the window by the door. Curious to see who was after Toby this time.

"I beat them in poker! They're born chumps! Their pupils that dilate like saucers whenever they had a good hand," Toby blurted. If the team didn't know Toby any better than they did, they'd assume he was on some sort of amphetamine.

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