Pilot Part 3

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As they pull out of the diner, Alexa can see a distressed looking Cabe talking on the phone.

Walter promptly grabs his laptop and connects himself to the rest of the team. "Okay, Walter, I'm tracking you on the traffic cams. They should start changing... now."

"It's working!" The waitress calls out.

Alexa ignores the others, focusing on driving. Their speed reaching 100. Alexa continues to increase their speed, going as fast as the little crappy car can go. The waitress leans forward between Walter and Alexa slightly, more than likely feeling left out in the back seat. "We're at 100. This thing doesn't have air bags."

As Walter was too busy with his computer to respond, Alexa attempted to put the woman at ease. "You realize at this speed, air bags are useless anyways. I crash, we're dead."

The woman pushes herself back into the back seat, "Lovely."

"Go faster!" Walter yelled at Alexa. Typical Walter.

"Screw you Walt, I'm going as fast as this piece of shit can take us."

"There's 440 people on the flight. They all have their phones off 'cause they're on a damn plane. How the hell am I supposed to communicate with them? " Toby asks himself.

"I'm checking Sigalert; you should head south on Hilgard to Manning, then Santa Monica to Bundy. I'll get you a clear path."

"Thanks Happy, south on Hilgard to Manning, Monica to Bundy. Got it!"

The trio continue driving straight for a few more blocks before a black SUV makes a sharp turn at the lights and begins to speed up. Almost following them.

"We've got company!" Alexa tells, notifying the others. With one eye on the road, she quickly grabs the gun she has hidden on her thigh, under her red dress.

"Oh my god! Why do you have a gun?" The blond haired waitress exclaims.

Alexa ignored her and quickly flicks the safety off, she begins to take aim at the car while still to maintain control of the vehicle.

" I think that's Agent Gallo!" Walter exclaimed, thankful the brunette hadn't been able to take a shot at the driver quite yet. "Keep driving."

Alexa keeps driving as instructed, increasing the speed as much as she could, flicking the safety on and securing it once again in her thigh halter.

Alexa's eyes widened slightly, noticing the next set of traffic lights fast approaching. Red. The signal is red, not green.

Alexa heard Happy in her ear again. "Guys, stay frosty. I can't get the light on Barrington to change over."

"Affirmative." Alexa said into her ear piece, noticing Agent Gallo speeding along beside her. She quickly pressed her right foot onto the accelerator as fast and as hard as possible. She was quite literally 'flooring it'.

Her quiet concentration was broken by the panicked waitress in the back seat, "No, no, Walter..."

"Quiet!" Alexa yelled, thankful Walter had enough sense to remain silent throughout the whole ordeal.

Ignoring Alexa's demand, the young mother continued on anyway, "No, no, no, no, no! No!"

Alexa noticed a car that would almost certainly hit the three of them, she wasn't worried. She could see Agent Gallo beside them speeding up, he intended to take the hit for them. Thank Fuck. Not 5 seconds later, Agent Gallo was hit by the red Ute that was destined for the trio.

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