Pilot Part 2

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"Alright listen, when the FBI and the NSA fail, do we get some kind of bonus here? I'd be willing to go double or nothing" 

"Toby..." Alexa started. 

"I'm just saying!" Toby held his arms up in surrender.

The Cabe and some random guy were in the front seat quietly taking to one another as if we couldn't hear them from the back seat. 

"Be advised, we just got word from headquarters that there's a major pile-up on the 405. LAX is unreachable for hours. Repeat: LAX is a no-go," the dispatcher announced over Cabe's radio.

"Copy that." Cabe responded to the dispatcher.

Toby decides to provide the solution to the group, "Call for a helicopter." 

"Air traffic would have been shut down until the situation is resolved." Alexa informed the group, having extensive knowledge on all police/FBI/Military procedures and tactics. Cabe eyes Alexa from the front seat.

"No 'Copter." Sylvester realises. Suddenly panicked, Sly looks over to Walter, "We're down to a 17% chance of success." 

"Pipe down, Rain Man." The random person says for some reason.

"Call him that again, you better hope the Feds have a good dental plan." Alexa threatens, her fists scrunched tightly, ready to swing at the man. Even if he was driving. 

"This is what we get with a car full of geniuses?" The random guy speaks.

"What we'll get is a solution, if you keep your mouth shut!" Alexa threatens once again. She was not a fan of Mr Driver over here.

"Everyone Quiet!" Cabe interrupts her train of thought. 

After a moment of silence, Walter speaks up, "We don't need to go to LAX. We just need a reliable wireless signal with no chance of going down. I just fixed one a mile north of here," Walter declared and directed the driver off the highway. 

Within minutes, the group were pulling up at a small diner, the driver approached the turn with speed, and for some reason decided to oversteer the car, causing the back tires to spin out briefly. "Holy Shit Man, were you trying to kill us?" Alexa exclaimed as the car halted to a stop in front of the diner.

Alexa quickly got out of the car and walked into the diner followed by Cabe, then the rest of the team.

"Owner!" Cabe shouted. "Agent Gallo, Homeland Security. We need to commandeer your diner for a national emergency." He flashed his badge at the diner owner. He placed an envelope of cash on the table in front of the owner. "You can stay, that's it."

"Everybody out! Come on! Everybody out! Come on, come on! No, no, no you pay tomorrow." the owner ushered and shooed everyone out of the restaurant, including himself, leaving just a waitress and her son.

Alexa walked over to the bench and began assisting Sly with wiping down the table. Sly nodded a thanks back in return.

"Roughly 89 minutes until the first plane goes down. Their lives are in our hands," Cabe reminded us as Walter got to work connecting our equipment to the internet.

"Is there something wrong at LAX?" The waitress, Paige, asked Sly. 

Sly seemed unsure with how to answer so Alexa stepped in, "That's classified information." 

"How can it be classified if the guy who set up our wireless is working on it?" Paige rebuts. 

Before Alexa is able to respond, Walter calls out, "Sylvester, run the odds on the patch linking back into the software. We do not want the same problem tomorrow. Toby, look for a saboteur."

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