Chapter 6

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The next morning Parker was in the shower. Max had ordered room service breakfast for them. There was a knock at the door. Max answer it in just his jeans. However it was room service. It was Sam. When he saw Max he immediately made the connection as to why he was there. His stomach once again churned.

"If you're looking for Parker she's in the shower." Max said.

"I was just coming by to see if Parker wanted to go to breakfast."

"We already have breakfast coming." "I'll tell her you stopped by."

"Ok." Max shut the door.

Parker was spending the night with Max. He was taking the week off starting tomorrow. They were in bed together. Candles were lit all around. Parker went to get up. Max stopped her.

"Are you going back to your room?" He asked.

"I'm going to the bathroom." She got up coming back two minutes later. She got in bed.

"Come here." She snuggled up to Max, he put his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"Gonna miss me or something?"

"I'm not gonna see you for a week."

"Well I don't have a clause in my contract to sporadically take the week off."

"Well you should."

"Why, because you're my boyfriend?"

"Yeah." "We could have a lot of fun taking a week off work together." "We could go away." I'd settle for taking you home with me." "Wanna come home with me two weekends from now?"

"I would love to."

"Come here." She looked at him. They kissed. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The next day Parker got on the bus. Since starting to date Max she hadn't been going on the bus. Max never went on the bus, so neither did Parker in order to be closer to him.

"Welcome back." Britt said.

"It's good to be back."

"What's up Par?" Sam asked.

"Not much." Parker said.

"Lunch later?"


Later that afternoon Parker was sitting at the front of the bus. She was on her phone. Britt sat down next to her.

"What are you doing?" Britt asked.

"Researching Hanukkah."


"Max is Jewish and I don't know a lot about Hanukkah." "I want to have a dual celebration for the holidays." "Christmas and Hanukkah."

When Parker got to the Women's Locker Room that night a bouquet of roses was by her locker. She opened the card. It read.

I miss you already baby. I love you. - Max

She smiled.

After the show Parker and Sam were on the bus playing cards. Even though she was trying to resist it, she was starting to think about her feelings for Sam. She had butterflies in her stomach.

"Damn it Parker stop." She scolded herself. "You love Max and he loves you." "Sam isn't interested in you and he never will be." "You could have a real future with Max." "Sam will never, ever love you." "I can't help it though."

"This is fun." Sam said.

"Yeah I've missed hanging out."

"So have I."

Parker's phone rang. "Hello?" She said. "I'm playing cards with Sam." "Ok." "I love you Max." "Bye."  They hung up.

Hearing Parker say she loved Max hurt Sam, for reasons he couldn't understand or explain to himself.

"You love Max?" Sam asked.


"Does he love you?"

"Yes." "I know you're skeptical."

"I just want you to be happy Par."

"I am."


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