Chapter 22

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It was the next morning. Parker felt guilty because she couldn't stop thinking about Sam, or kissing him, or the overwhelming desire to want to make love to him. She was in the bathroom brushing her teeth, She got a text from a number not saved in her phone but she knew the number. It was Sam. The text read.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I just want one more night with you, please. Then I'll leave you alone for the rest of my life. I need to make love to you one last time. No one has to know but us, ever. Please come Par, I know you have a show tonight. I'll wait up for you. -Sam

"God, I want to go so bad, but I can't." She thought.

Max was sending a text in the bedroom. It read.

You're in big trouble tonight baby. I can't wait to see you tonight. - Max

I can't wait either sweetie. I love you. - Priscilla

I love you too. - Max

Max went out into the living room.

"Baby I'm gonna go out tonight after the show."

"No you can't leave me alone tonight, I don't trust myself." She thought.

"I was hoping you would stay home tonight." She said.

"We're not at home Parker." He said smiling.

"You know what I mean."

"I won't stay out very late, I promise."


Later that night at the arena Parker took Jessica to catering to get something to eat. Priscilla came into catering.

"Hi Cilla." Jessica said.

"Hi Jessica." She said.

"Look pretty."

"Thank you."

Becky Lopez (Lynch) came into catering.

"Hi Parker." She said.

"Hi Becky." She said.

"Would Jessica like to spend the night with us tonight?" "Roux's been asking about it."

"Yes." Jessica said happily. "Please mommy, please."


It was around nine o'clock that night. Parker was all alone and deciding what to do.

"I want to go." She thought. "I know it's wrong, but I love him."

Fifteen minutes later Sam heard a knock at his door. All he had on was his boxers, so he only peeked out his head when he opened the door. He smiled when he saw Parker. She was wearing a bathrobe. She went inside.

"Alright Sam." She took off the robe. She was naked. "Make love to me, one last time." They kissed. She moaned into his mouth as lifted her off the ground. The next thing she felt was the soft mattress on her back.  He got a condom off the nightstand and began kissing the middle of her chest. She ran her hands through his hair."Sam." She moaned loudly as she felt his tongue on her skin and felt him squeezing her breasts. Feeling Sam's touch again was driving her crazy. After a few minutes they kissed. "Do it, make love to me, right now." They both moaned as he slipped inside her. He started to move. "God, I'm glad you came." He said. "I love you so much Parker." "I love you too Sam, I've never stopped." "Oh god, Sam, that feels so good." She moaned. For the next hour they cherished every touch, every kiss, every wonderful sensation. "Harder." She moaned. He went faster. "Parker." He moaned. "Sam, god please don't stop." She moaned. They kissed. "Sam, Sam, yes, yes, ohhh." She moaned giving in. "Oh Parker." He groaned giving in.

They had sex two more times. It was going on midnight. He looked lovingly into her eyes and caressed her cheek.

"I already know the answer but, would you ever consider getting a divorce?" He asked.

"I can't." "You know that after my parents divorced my dad disappeared." "I can't put Jessica through that."

"I wanted her to be mine so much."

"I know."

"If she had been, would you have married Max?"

"No." "Don't get it wrong, I love Max, he's just...

"Say it."

"He's not you, ok?" "Happy?" She checked her phone. "I have to go." "It's getting late."

He put on his boxers and walked her to the door.

"I'll never forget tonight Sam." "I love you." She said with tears in her eyes.

"I love you too Parker." "I know how you feel about divorce but please leave him." "Be with me."

"I want to,  I've wanted to be with you for twelve years, but it's to late." They shared one last long passionate kiss. "Bye."

"Bye." She left. They were both heartbroken.

Max wasn't back yet when Parker got back to the room, but she expected him not to be. She showered changed into her pajamas and went to sleep.

Parker woke up later in the night. She looked over expecting to see Max next to her but he wasn't. When she checked her phone it was a quarter passed three. She knew he should've been home by now. She went out into the living room and didn't see him. She went down to the lobby and nothing. She even went out to the car. He was nowhere to be found. She went back up to the room and called him but didn't get an answer. She sent a text. It read.

Where are you honey? I'm worried. I love you. - Parker

Max's phone was in Priscilla's living room. He was in bed with her. He'd accidentally fallen asleep.

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