Prince Edward Williamford

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The Knightly castle towered over the land of Chesterwell menacingly, reciting its claim as the most powerful kingdom in all of Europe.

The monarchy's knights dangled with their sharp swords on the open ground, preparing themselves for a rival's attack.

The war was long gone but the future king had conveyed strict orders to be in preparation for another strike, or as he liked to call it; 'the inevitable bloodshed'.

Edward believed that war never ceases, it went on suspension. The fight to the death was still underway as long as they had what the enemy wanted.

His late brother had lost a few good men because he hadn't anticipated an attack on the kingdom. A mistake that later cost him his life in a war he was ill-prepared for.

Though he'd admired the late King's bravery for not letting his men fight alone in the hopeless battle, he feared the older Williamford boy was too naive for his own good.

As king, it was his duty to protect his people from all threats and harm, and that meant being prepared for the worst even during the best of times.

The kingdom carried many riches and it would never stop being a target.

Prince Edward understood that and he was more than ready to claim the role of protecting his people.

The castle's servants made their way to their assigned duties while Eric ran hastily with a letter in hand. He feared his master wasn't going to rejoice at its sudden arrival.

The future king had been in virtuous spirits of late and something about the letter's arrival told him that wasn't going to be the case for much longer.

Eric finally entered the Prince's office chambers apprehensively.

The younger man sat on the large chair of the wooden bureau filled with paperwork.

"Your Highness."
The servant reminded himself that he was only a messenger when the Prince stared down at the letter he held with much dread.

"Eric, is that from the Prime Minister? I wasn't expecting him to write back so soon."

Prince Edward returned his attention to the documentation in front of him, not paying much attention to the older man's tension.

"Erm. No sir, it's..."
The servant fumbled with his words.

Not knowing Eric to be a dubious fellow, Prince Edward rose his eyesight back to his figure, and only then did he realize he'd been quivering profusely, with eyes that carried great concern.

"What's happened? Is my wife ok?"

He'd known his servant to only get so nervous when it came to his princess. Eric knew very well how the Prince felt about her.

"No, sir. It's just... the letter was sent from Shepherds Bay."

Eric expected many reactions from his master. Anger, frustration, exasperation.

What he hadn't expected was uncertainty.

Prince Edward looked on in oblivion before logic seemed to return to him.

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